Chapter 12: Homen Sweet Home

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Mark, Jackson and April were back at home, went to greet the guys but it was just Finn.

-Mark: where are Izzie and Alex?

-Finn: they go to the super market, hi guys

-April: hi finn

-Jackson: hi, well I think I need to go to my apartment

-April: we need to talk first about something in my room

-Jackson: ok ok

They arrived to April's room.

-Jackson: what happen?

-April: I need to may a call

-Jackson: to who?

-April: to Grace

-Jackson: ooo April

-April: what?

-Jackson: this is not our problem, is their

-April: yes, it is

-Jackson: no April

-April: you tell me that you will help me, and if you will not help me get out of my room(pointing to the room)

-Jackson: please April

-April: get out of room(getting so mad)

-Jackson: ok bye(pulling the door)

-Mark: what happen?

-Jackson: nothing, see you later

-Mark: ok?

Mark go to the room April and close the door.

-Mark: I listen your conversation with Jackson, I wan that you help me, but I do not want you to have problems with him

-April: I don' t care I'll help you, I had never see you so happy

-Mark: I'm always happy

-April: but I mean to the happiness of fall in love

-Mark: I fall in love

-April: I already know

-Mark:and how do you know?

-April: because I had ever seen you so happy

-Mark: I'm always happy

-April: I know, I know but this is a different type of happiness

-Mark: why you care too much about me?

-April: because you are the big brother that I ever had, you've always been there for me, take care of me, protect me

-Mark: you're my little sister, my baby, I will always protect you, I love you

-April: so let me return the favor to you

-Mark: I don't know, you already have problems with Jackson because my fault

-April: that does not matter now

-Mark: are you sure April?

-April: yes, I'm

-Mark: I love you April(giving her a big hug)

-April: I love you more(answering to the big hug), so take your phone and call her

-Mark: no I can't

-April: yes you can, I'll do it

-Mark: what?

-April: only give me your phone

-Mark: ok(giving the phone to her)


-Grace: Mark?

-April: I'm April

-Grace: ooo hi April, how are you?

-April: sorry I can't talk rigt now, take the phone mark

-Grace: Mark are you there?

-Mark: Hi grace, how are you?

Grace: fine and you

-Mark: good

-Grace: ey I'm ready here

-Mark: but you'll not come back nexr week

-Garce: I was alone so I come back

-Mark: oo really?

-Grace: I thought we could go out tomorrow at night?

-Mark: how at 7 o'clock in Chicago grill

-Grace: ok see you there googbye

-Mark: bye

-Mark: oh my God I can't believe this

-April: I'm so proud of you

-Mark: goodnight, tomorrow we are going to play, Jackson is going to be there

-April: I don't care

-Mark: don't get mad, goodnight(kissing her forehead)

-April: goodnigt

Mark close the door

-April: what I'm going to do with Jackson I love him so much but I don't know why he doesn't want to help me, tomorrow is going to be a long day.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mark y Grace se miran tan lindos juntos. Perdon si me tardo mucho esque e estado muy cansada-SALUDOS:)

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