Chapter 9: The Perfect Day

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It was dawn, Jackson and April were still on the beach. Jackson got up and saw April slept and got up too.

-Jackson: Good morning my love

-April: good morning(kissing his cheek)

-Jackson: (standing up) we need to go to the hotel

-April: yes

They went to the hotel walking hand in hand along the beach. Jackson takes a key from his pocket and opened the door and found Mark on the couch looking tv.

-Mark: Hi guys, how was the date

-April: everything was perfect(sitting in the couch)

-Mark: that's great

-Jackson: you want to eat something guys?

-April: yes

-Mark: I already eat

-Jackson: so April, go take a shower and change of clothes my love

-April: ok (standing up, walking to the room)

-Mark: so how was the night?

-Jackson: I'll talk you later, I need to take a shower

-Mark: ok

April finish to take shower, she open the suitcase and take some close, she put a loose blouse color pink, white shorts, a pair of sandals, and a sweatband color pink. Jackson was waiting for April. He put a short pants, a pair of toms, a red shirt and sunglasses.

-April: and Mark?

-Jackson: he go to walk, you look beautiful

-April: Thank you(kissing his lips)

-Jackson: we go?

-April: sure(leaving the room)

Jackson and April were walking around the hotel to get to the restaurant. They entered the restaurant and they went to find their food and sat at a table. They start to eat.

-Jackson: is delicious?

-April: umm, yes

-Jackson: what you want to do today?

-April: I don't know

-Jackson: we can go to the pool?

-April: yes , sure

-Jackson: in what are you thinking?

-April: is...

-Jackson: what?

-April:I can't believe all this is happening 

-Jackson: believe, believe that our love is real, that everything that is happening now is real

-April: I love you Jackson

-Jackson: I love you too

They finished eating and went to the apartment to bring their things to go to the pool. April brings a swimsuit of two pieces of color blue. Jackson looked so hot, brought shorts and he don't bring a shirt. While April was changed, Jackson was in the pool waiting. April appeared, and Jackson stayed frozen.

-April: what happening to you? (laughting)

-Jackson: wauuu with only 14 and what body

-April, ey don't be stupid(punish him)

-Jackson: hahaha sorry honey(embracing her)

-April: Only let's go to the pool

They entered to the pool.

-Jackson: and how have you been?

-April: excellent

-Jackson: that's great(cuddle her in all the pool walking)

-April: the best day ever

-Jackson: and many still are missing

-April: I love you

-Jackson: I love you too(kissing her)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Perdon si mis capitulos son muy cortos pero esque es la primera ves que escribo un libro pero cuando me inspire mas los hare mas largos. Subo capitulos todos los dias menos los fines de semana. -Saludos:D

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