Chapter 11: Arrived to go Home

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April and Jackson were fast asleep in bed, until Mark came:

-Mark: hey guys wake up, guys we have to enroll the backpacks

-April: ummmmmm

-Jackson: we want to sleep, Mark

-Mark: I don't care, I'll go out with Grace

-April: ok, ok

-Jackson: goodmorning my love

-April: goodmoring honey(standing up)

-Jackson: where are you going?

-April: I'll take a shower, then to eat and to swim in the pool for the last time.

-Jackson: ok, I'll do that too(waking up)

April take the shower, she change her clothes and go to the main hall to wait for Jackson.

-Jackson: let's go?

-April: let's go

They arrived to the restaurant they take their foo and take sit in the table.

-April: These days it went very fast

-Jackson: yes I know; oo honey look is Mark and Grace

-April: I thinkg Mark, is in love

-Jackson: I don't think so 

-April: you don't believe at first sight?

-Jackson: yes, that what happens to us

-April: so why yo say that Mark is no in love

-Jackson: I don't know

-April: he is in love

-Jackson: but how do you know that?

-April: because I know him a lifelong

-Jackson: are you sure?

-April: only look his eyes, we need to help them

-Jackson: how?

-April: he tell that Grace lives in sps?

-Jackson: so?

-April: I have her number, I'll call her , and we are going to plan a date for them?

-Jackson:  and who are we?

-April: you and me


-April: yes, if it bothers you so much I'll do it myself(standin up)

-Jakcson: no no no honey, I 'll help you

-April: yes

-Jackson: but why you want to do this?

-April: because Jackson he has done much for me and it's time that I help

-Jackson: you're so humble

-April: don't say that again?

-Jackson:  why? it's a compliment

-April: I know, but I don't like this word

-Jackson: your wear

-April: I prefer that word

-Jackson: hahaha

-April: let's go to the pool

For a while April and Jackson were in the pool, Mark and Grace were walking.

-Mark: so..

-Grace: so..Today you live?

-Mark: yes, but we will leave when you return?

-Grace: sure, and your parents?

-Mark: they divorced

-Grace: sorry

-Mark: it's ok

-Grace: but why?

-Mark: they have problems, the mother of April try to help them but she can't help them.

-Grace: April is really nice

-Mark:yes I know

-Grace: I think you were brothers

-Mark: is because we are so closer, we don't have any secret

-Grace: thats great

-Mark: I'll leave in 1 hour, you to accompany me to the apartment?

-Grace: yes sure

They arrived to the apartment and April and Jackson where there.

-Mark: hi guys

-Grace: hello

-April: hi Grace, can we talk?

-Grace: yes sure

-Mark: why?

-April: only are a few minutes

They arrive to the room.

-April: so Grace

-Grace: so

-April: you like Mark? right?

-Grace: no

-April: yes, I can look in your eyes

-Grace: how do you know that?

-April: I know too much about love and I'll help you

-Grace: really?

-April: yes, let's go back

-Grace: yes

-Jackson: what happen?

-April: nothing, only things of girls

-Mark: ok?

-Jackson: in a few minutes we need to live beacuse of the traffic

-Mark: I'll miss you

-Grace: me too, but we're going to see next week

-Mark: yes sure, bye(giving a kiss in her cheek)

-April: bye grace nice to meet you

-Jackson: me too grace

-Grace: yes, me too guys

Jackson and April go to the car.

-Mark: bye grace

-Grace: bye mark(cuddle him)

They go home, but Mark and Grace will be together??

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chicos perdon que me atrase, aqui se va mucho la luz:( -Saludos:*

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