The Malfoy's

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Hermione's POV

I woke up from the pleasures of sleep with strong arms snaked around my waist. I turned around and I met my husband's peaceful face. He was strikingly handsome, he had strong arms and broad shoulders, a muscled chest and pale blond hair that beautifully accompanied his lovely pale skin. 

My husband woke up because of me gently stroking his hair and I gazed into his beautiful stormy grey eyes that looked like melted pools of silver. I was lost in my thoughts wondering how lucky I was to be married to the love of my life, Draco Malfoy, for now ten years. We hated each other in our Hogwarts years, but it was now more love then hate. Draco is the most wanted bachelor in England, but he is a married man. We cuddled a little bit before snapping back to reality when we heard a tapping sound coming from the window.

I went to see what the noise was and I found an owl with a letter attached to its little leg. I opened the window to let the stunning pitch black owl in the bedroom. I took the letter that was around the owl's leg. I opened it. I started reading it with interest because it looked like my mother's handwriting.

Dear Hermione,

You might be wondering why I am writing to you today since I usually contact you by telephone or regular mail. I recently had a conversation with your cousins and aunts, well more specifically your aunts because they manage everything.

I am sure you remember your past family reunions. We know and understand why you do not want to go. However, your aunts don't believe our excuses anymore. Telling them that you have school, work or a meeting with friends won't work anymore. Why? Because they are still locked into the belief that you are only a know-it-all with no social life.

Now, this is the worst part of this letter :
You are officially invited to the 30th Granger family reunion. The reunion will take place from the 15th of July to the 22th of July.

You will have the luck to reunite with your annoying aunts and cousins yet again. Thankfully, Becca, Samuel and their parents will be present to relieve your annoyance of seeing the other side of our family.

Luckily, since your aunts are still not the brightest, the reunion will be held at the Lion and Serpent Hotel that is owned by you and your husband. They are not aware of this fact.

I really never wanted to be the one to tell you that you had to come, but you do. Your cousins and aunts have actually gotten worse over the years, if this was ever a possibility.

On a final note, I am sure that when your aunts and cousins will see you, they will be shocked. So shocked, that they might actually die from that alone. I would, of course, consider that as good news.

Love, Mom

"Is everything alright?" Draco asked

"I have to go to the family reunion because my aunts and cousins do not believe my excuses anymore. It has been 20 years." I said with a bitter voice

"What's so awful about visiting the family you haven't seen in 20 years?" Draco said, surprised with my sardonic tone

"Well." I responded

After his question, I went on and on with the stories of my cousins that bullied me when I was younger. The bullying ranged from attacking my appearance, my hobbies, my knowledge and why I was so wise at such a young age. My cousins called me names and pushed me around.

Draco looked unusually angry about the behaviour of my less than respectable cousins. She knew that her appearance, hobbies, knowledge and wisdom were all things that her husband loved about her. In his eyes, it was unacceptable for people to verbally attack her for these things.

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