The reaction

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The crowd was cheering and we were really happy. He pulled me into another kiss. We made our way to my family, they were all happy for me but my cousins looked ready to kill.

While making our way through the crowd, someone started to talk to Draco, so I continued my way and I saw my family. I was really afraid because of the look in my cousins eyes. The smug face they always had was long gone and it had been replaced by a look of pure anger, jealousy and hatred for everything in my life. I was terrified and I took a deep breath within to make all the anxious feeling and worry go away. I was tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, I fought against the dark lord for seven years straight and I fought and survived in a war against the most powerful and evil wizard in the world but the look on my cousins faces was scarier then all of that combined. I took all my gryffindor bravery, I stayed strong, raised my head, straighten my shoulders and I walked over proudly to my family. I saw my mom, my grandma, my aunt Hailee and Becca running towards me. They were hugging me with tears of joy in their eyes. Uncle Fred, my dad and Samuel joined in a moment later. I got out of the hug to catch my breath.

I felt someone tapping me slightly on the shoulder and it was Blaise, to congratulate us of our public announcement. I went back to my family to converse with them while I was walking backwards. Suddenly, someone grabbed my left arm, basically ripping my whole arm out of it's place in my body. I was turned around completely by the strong and sudden movement. The person responsible for the movement slapped me hard across my face. I had a red mark. The person spoke and I recognized her instantly due to her annoying voice.

"How daré you! How dare you steal the man of my dreams. He is supposed to be mine and we were going to be together. You are just an ungrateful little girl with beaver teeth and bushy hair. You have to divorce him or else." Halsey said with a treathening look on her face

"Or else what, Halsey. I am the richest woman in England, a powerful person and a respected public figure. I am also married to the richest man in England, that was never yours, by the way because he has been married to me since he was 17 years old. What are you going to do if I don't divorce him?" I responded

She thought for a second before slapping me again, right across my face, harder than the last time. Some people started to watch what was going with my family.

"He is mine, you're lying about being married to him." Halsey said with a red face of anger

She was about to slap me a third time but someone grabbed her wrist, stopping her completely from doing what she was about to do. She tried to free herself from the strong grasp that held her. The person just took a stronger hold of her wrist, the person was my husband. She just whimpered in pain while trying to free herself again. Draco eventually let her go and he spoke to her.

"How dare you slap my wife. " Draco said

"But she is just a lying -." Halsey answered

"Are you calling my wife of thirteen years, mother of my children and business partner, a liar?" Draco said

"Why would you marry her, she's boring, bossy, loud and a know-it-all. She has bushy hair and beaver teeth. She is a slut and an ungrateful little girl that steals money from her husband." Halsey said with a smirk

"Hermione is my wife because I love her and I have her heart, it works the same with her. Mya is not boring, she is full of life and she knows how to make me laugh which is a hard task. She is not bossy, she is a natural leader that likes to lead people to greatness. Hermione is not loud, she is outspoken and she likes to make her opinion known to others. She is a know-it-all and it is not an insult. She is smart in many ways. Being smart is a gift and an ability that you don't have, clearly. I love her enough to not care about her appearance and to me she is beautiful and perfect. For the last part, I'll let Hermione answer that herself." Draco said

"Thank you, Drake. I love Draco with all my heart and it is the same with him. Calling me a slut won't get you far in life, you're not even married and have slept with the whole population of England and you dare call me a slut. You are the ungrateful Little girl, you are selfish as hell, may I say. I am grateful for every little thing in my life. The money I have comes from the empire I built by myself. I do not use Draco's money nor does he use mine. You literally described yourself for the last part." I responded with the classic Malfoy smirk

The cousins looked at me in spite and jealousy. They also looked extremely red and embarrassed. They pushed people in the crowd and they got out of the ballroom but before they could get out and get too far with their parents. They were stopped at the entrance of the ballroom by none other then Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, may I say Important people.

"Miss Granger, you, your sisters and your parents are hereby banned from every hotel, resort, casino and business that is owned by the Malfoy company, all over the world. You are banned for causing a non-useful commotion in a peaceful area and for slapping my daughter-in-law. If you are seen or reported on a Malfoy property, you will be fined and arrested." Narcissa said in a calm tone

"But you can't do that." Yelled aunt Lola

"She can and she will, now go and leave the grounds of the hotel." Lucius said backing up
His wife

You could hear the complaints from my relatives while they stormed out of the ballroom. The ball continued and everybody enjoyed themselves for the rest of the night. The night was amazing. Me, Draco and the kids went to our penthouse. Draco kissed me passionately and we went to bed. All was well now.

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