The good cousins

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Becca Granger's POV
The family reunions are usually really uninteresting because it was just me, my brother, our parents, our uncle, our aunt with their arrogant daughters (Halsey, Loren, Sheila and Veronica). Until I was 12, the reunion used to be fun because my favorite cousin was always there. Hermione and I always got along, we were practically best friends. We didn't see each other often but she was my role model because she was smart, brave and kind. My other cousins called her names and they always bullied her for who she was but for some reasons, they never bullied me. This year, I thought that the reunion was going to be the same but I heard my parents say that Jean and Ron (Hermione's parents) were going to be there with their daughter Hermione. I was really excited to finally be able to be with my cousin again. Hermione was probably rich and had a wonderful job with a husband and kids. If she had become what I imagine, she would give the cousins a run for their money (Not that they have money). I was so happy to say that I was going to see har again. I cannot wait to catch up with her. With Hermione there, the reunion will not be boring.

Samuel Granger's POV
Me and my sister Becca would always stick together because we did not want to have any contact with the four cousins that could never have an intelligent conversation, it was always about boys, clothes and the new tanning lotion. Hermione was always the good thing about the reunions because of her amazing facts that she learned or her wonderful personality. She didn't come to the reunions of all the past 20 years. I missed her a lot. She was a good friend of mine. The four other cousins always made fun of her appearance or her knowledge for no possible reason but over the years I realized it was simple jealousy for Hermione. This year, the reunion would not be the same because my sister, Becca told me that the parents told her that Jean and Ron (Hermione's Parents) were going to be there with Hermione. Hermione always made the reunion sound like loads of fun. I was wondering what she had become since she went off to that fancy private school in Scotland. According to her past personality, she was probably a young and rich business owner with a handsome husband and beautiful kids. I was happy that I was going to see her again after such a long period of time.

Samuel and Becca were the nice cousins of the rest of the family. They could be described has perfect hufflepuffs. That always showed their true personalities. They were just and fair with everyone. Patience was one of their greatest qualities. They were hard workers and they never gave up which gave them a lot of opportunities for their futur job. They loved Hermione as a friend you could trust and confide in. Becca was a nurse at the local hospital. This job was perfect for her in every way possible. Samuel unlike his sister had a very different job. He was a chef in an Italian restaurant. His job suited him like a glove. They were both successful in their lives unlike their four other cousins. Samuel and Becca are vegans. Becca is a tall and slim woman, who wears minimal makeup and simple clothing. She has long dark hair and pale skin. Samuel is a tall and slim young man. He has long black hair for a guy. Both siblings were dedicated and were similar to Hermione. The related trio is going to be reunited.

 The related trio is going to be reunited

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