The reveal

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Hermione's POV

When we came out the door, Draco left me and the kids to enter the ball room by the back door so he wouldn't be seen. He was going to wait until everyone was in the ball room, so he could make his reveal. The kids and I took the elevator with Narcissa, who joined us but she didn't want to see my cousins, so she went to the ball room by the back door like Draco did. When we came out of the elevator, my parents, my grandma, aunt Hailee, uncle Fred, Becca, Samuel, aunt Lola, uncle Hiram and the cousins were waiting for me and the kids to join them. My parents had tears in there eyes, happy tears because they knew what was happening to the ball. They were seeing their baby gown up with a family of her own. This was going to be a wicked night.

"Hermione, you're all grown up, my beautiful baby girl." My parents said

"Oh my god, you look stunning!" said Becca and Samuel at the same time

"Hermione, you look wonderful, your kids look beautiful too." Hailee, Fred and my grandma said

"Thank you very much, all of you look really elegant for this ball." I responded

We were all chatting peacefully in the lobby because it was only 6:30 pm and the doors were opening at 7 pm. My cousins decided to pick on me for a little distraction before the ball. The cousins looked like something, not elegant nor formal but just revealing and tight. I was talking to my grandma with the kids and of course, they had to start bickering on me, again.

"Beaver, don't you think you went a little hard with the fake diamonds." Halsey said

"Hermy, what are you doing with those cheap shoes and that cheap dress" Sheila said

I laughed and the kids smirked

"You two are insulting the price of my outfit when you two look like you're going clubbing not going to a formal ball. My earrings and necklace are made with 100% real and pure diamonds and pure emerald stones, instead of talking about my jewelry, we should talk about your fake pearls, Halsey and you're plastic roses, Sheila. My shoes are of extremely luxurious quality and my dress is made of pure Italian silk, we should talk about your 20$ shoes and your 30$ dresses or did they cost less." I answered

"Hermione, when did you learn to snap back like that." said Becca with a surprised face

"Working in the fashion industry helps a little." I said while smirking

The cousins continued to bicker on me about my fake husband and that I was lying about the value of my outfit but this ball was going to be the biggest surprise of their entire lives. The picking on me continued even when the doors opened. It was 7:30 pm when everyone had arrived so I said that I had to leave to take the stage with Draco.

"I'm sorry to leave all of you, mom, watch the kids but I need to go to the stage with Draco." I said

"Why would you have to go to the stage, you're just an unsuccessful nobody." Halsey said

"Halsey, you have the worst memory. It so happens that I am the CEO of Malfoy Company and I am one of the sponsors of this ball or you could say that I am one of the reasons that this ball is happening due to HGM Fashion. I am not a nobody but I am the most influential and rich woman in the U.K." I said

"Yeah, right." She said

I made my way to the stage and I sat besides Narcissa and Lucius. Me and Draco's parents were close, they acted prejudiced and mean around me because of Voldemort living in their manor. We were waiting for Draco to enter the stage. We knew exactly when Draco entered the stage because there was really loud cheering in the room. His handsome face smiled at me while he was making his way to the front of the stage. His tall and strong figure walked to the microphone. This was the moment where our private life would be revealed to the public and my cousins, who will probably want my head. The public was judging but accepting too. I was ready for it to be known and I would not let anyone ruin me. I snapped back to reality when Draco started talking.

"Welcome, everyone, to the reveal ball at the serpent and lion hotel in Paris. I would like to thank Hermione Granger, owner of HGM Fashion and CEO of Malfoy Company, Blaise Zabini, owner of Zabini enterprises, my dear parents..." Said Draco

The list went on and he thanked everyone who could be there. The crowd cheered loudly and when the crowd finished clapping, he talked again.

"Today, this ball is really important for me. This soiree is not called the reveal ball for nothing. Today is the day I reveal my family to the public eye which includes my wife." He said

You could hear the who is she question in all of the room from all the reporters present in the room. Draco continued talking.

"The Malfoy's are known to keep their private lives, well, private. I did exactly the same myself. I decided to reveal it myself because it would get out one day. I want the magazines and medias to stop saying that I am single and to encourage girls to throw themselves on me, I am not available. To this day, I have been married for 13 years, since I was 17. I am married to my soulmate, the woman I love, my wife. We met when we arrived at the same school when we were 11. Funny story, we hated each other for four years, yes until we were 14. We eventually became friends, after best friends. We started dating when we were 15, all in secret at our school. We were perfect for each other, we still are now. I proposed to her when we were 17, we married at 18, we had our first child at 18 and our second child at 20 and I couldn't be happier. I have kept my two children and wife out of the public eye for 13 years. I am married to a brave, courageous, strong, beautiful and smart woman, an insufferable know-it-all from one of our teachers, that I want to spend the rest of my life with. In our school days, we were opposites. Bad and good, light and darkness, gold and silver. Now, we couldn't be more similar because of our powerful love. Nobody is to try to separate her and me because it won't work. Everybody here knows who my wife is but they don't know her as my wife. She is here in this room, she is pretty famous herself. My lovely wife, Mrs. Malfoy is someone in this room." Draco said

After this speech, the entire room was silent except from the reporters asking who she was, where she was. Draco was leaving them hanging to his words.

"Mrs. Malfoy could you present yourself to the public." Draco said

I stood up and I walked over to him. He pulled me into a passionate kiss. You could hear the gasps, the questions, the cheering but we were kissing until he took my hand and he talked again.

"This is my wife, Hermione Granger now Malfoy, the owner of HGM Fashion and CEO of Malfoy Company and my lovely wife. Kids, could you come here." Said Draco

The kids made their way trough the crowd to the stage.

"These are my two beautiful children. Scorpius Draco Malfoy, 13 years old and Lyra Narcissa Malfoy, 11 years old." He said

The crowd was cheering and we were really happy He pulled me into an other kiss. We made our way to my family, they were all happy for me but my cousins looked ready to kill.

 We made our way to my family, they were all happy for me but my cousins looked ready to kill

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