Chapter Five

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Where the hell am I? Glancing around, I noticed an overwhelming use of blue and white. Blue and white tiles. Blue and white walls. Blue and white booths. And the smell. The overwhelming smell of industrial cleaners and grease that only the best of the worst fast food restaurants can provide. Oh, and dingy. The last time I was in a place like this was when I lived in Miami, and my mom took a "short cut" through a predominantly Latino neighborhood full of bodegas and old men drinking cafecitos while playing dominos. The area had a dilapidated feel to it. We stopped for gas at an "out of the way" gas station. I noticed a couple people dressed all in white, staring at me, before giving me a nod before they returned to whatever they were doing. The one thing that stood out about them besides their outfits, were the colorful beaded necklaces they wore. My mom told us to be respectful and not to stare, because they were "holy" people.

"Welcome to White Castle! You are in for a treat, my friends!" Derek said.

Judging by Benny's reaction to everything around him, I wasn't the only one who was questioning Derek's sanity for bringing us here. This isn't exactly what I was expecting when Derek said he wanted to visit our neighboring town -- Pine Ridge -- for a quick bite.

"Look Derek, I know I've been a little moody lately, but no need to punish me for it!"

"Oh come on Alex, give it a chance. Over there. Grab a seat and I'll order for us. Trust me." He said.

Benny and I slowly inched our way over to a corner booth. Staring down at me from an old framed picture on the wall, was a group of teenage girls seated at a table very much like this one; smiling and laughing like some feminine hygiene commercial.

"Whoa dude, Stepford much?" Benny said.

I could only nod my head in agreement. At the moment, I should just be grateful that school is finished for the day and that I have no homework tonight. A part of me was itching for a change of scenery when I awoke this morning. I guess the Goddess must be listening, cause here I am. Next time I'll have to be more specific. At least I'm away from Petr.

Ignoring him is becoming harder as each day passes. Walking into Chemistry today with Mason, I noticed Petr was seated next to Francesca; their heads close to each other as they softly chatted. As usual, he sensed my presence and looked up at me immediately; his eyes full of remorse. I turned my face away from him as Mason and I grabbed our seats towards the back of the class. Mason knew something had transpired, but didn't press for any details. It wasn't until the bell rang that Petr made his move. With the swiftness of an incubus, he suddenly appeared in front of my desk. I slammed my book shut with more force than necessary before shoving it into my backpack as I quickly stood . Stepping around him, I headed for the door, but not before he grabbed my arm to stop me.

Spinning around, I yanked my arm away and locked my eyes on him for the first time since "she" arrived. A tremor vibrated throughout the floor as the lights in the room started to flicker and explode; feelings of betrayal erupted within me like an unstoppable force. Petr stepped back in shock and his eyes went wide as glass began to rain down upon us. A whirlwind of chaos overtook the room as students ran and screamed their way out through the door. The last thing I saw as Mason pulled me into is body to rush me out of the room, was Petr kneeling down at Francesca's side where she had hidden herself under a lab table.

"Thank God it's Tuesday, bro. That workout kicked my ass yesterday." Benny said, breaking my train of thought.

"Not to mention the drowned cat," I mumbled to myself. "So this is Pine Ridge, huh? So odd to have a restaurant like this when the street is full of cafes and shops." I said.

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