Chapter Six

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". . . your eyes . . . " I said; gently caressing each side of Mason's face. I performed the action with the greatest of care; his scruff grazing against the palms of my hands. I wanted to commit each second of this moment to memory. Mason gazed back adoringly in wonder. ". . . they're hazel. Why haven't I noticed that before?"

"Because you never gave me the chance." He whispered.

We were facing each other on our sides in bed, a thin blue sheet covering us, our clothing long forgotten. Mason held me close to him, our faces mere inches apart. Slowly, he shifted his body over me, lowering me onto my back as his lips met mine. His thumbs lovingly stroking my cheeks as he held my face, his tongue attacking mine. The kiss was deep, sensual, desperate with need. The hardness of his manhood swelled against my own, the heat and weight of it setting me aflame with lust. I opened my legs pulling him closer to me, craving every inch of his skin against mine. He began to painstakingly thrust his cock against mine, as he nibbled, sucked and licked my neck, his soft chest hair brushing me as he rutted against my body..

"Oh . . . Mason. . . more. I want more. I need more."

Mason lifted his head to look down at me. His eyes dark with need and desire. I couldn't help but feel like a prey about to be devoured by a dangerous predator.

"I will tattoo my lust upon your soul. My lips will etch my name through your very core," he spoke huskily, as he thrust harder and deeply against me. Our precum mixing together.

"Please! I need you inside me. I can't wait anymore." I begged, as I opened my legs even further, grabbing his ass and pulling him against me in time to his thrusting.

Mason kissed me deeply and forcefully. My lips bruised by his assault upon my mouth. Breaking the kiss, he nipped and licked his way leisurely down my neck before assaulting my nipples and leaving a trail of saliva as he continued his assault down my body; finally taking my cock into his mouth. I thrust my head against the pillow and arched my back, as indescribable pleasure rocked my body; his tongue expertly swirling around all the right places. After several minutes I could already feel my orgasm slowly building.

"Oh God. . . Mason. . . please. I'm not gonna last. Please, give me what I want."

Looking up at me with my cock still in his mouth, he lifted his head gently, allowing me to slip free from his torturous tongue. . .

That was the most vivid dream I've ever had about Mason. I could still feel his kisses lingering; his hands upon my body, the warmth of his mouth as he engulfed my picho. Needless to say, I had to fight the hardest morning wood I had in a long time. I beat it single handedly.

As I came down from my sexual high, I had a moment of clarity. Mason's eyes weren't hazel; they were dark brown, nearly black. The only guy I knew who had hazel eyes was Petr. Granted they shifted daily depending upon his mood, but I noticed hazel seemed to be his predominant color. My subconscious mind was messing with me. Why would I dream of hazel eyes?!

After a quick shower, I got ready for a lazy Saturday. Heading to the kitchen, I grabbed a quick bowl of cereal and listened to Mikey and Sarah singing along to some cartoon blaring from the family room. Brandon made his way into the kitchen, my mom following after.

"Aw baby, did you not get enough sleep last night?" she said.

I didn't trust myself to reply right away. Instead I took a sip of my coffee. The cup I was using was a novelty one; there was a meter on the outside, a script along the bottom line simply stating, "You may now speak." So rather than answer her, I merely pointed to the bottom line of my cup.

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