Chapter Seven

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"Can we talk?"

Man I'm popular today. Petr showed up unannounced a few minutes ago, just as I was about to shovel the driveway. I was now standing in the living room, looking out towards the front yard. To say I didn't feel bad for him would be a lie. I had only been standing here for less than a minute when my mom was suddenly by my side. She looked ready to head out the door.

"Sure mom, what's up?"

"How long are you going to keep stringing these nice boys along?" She asked.

"Mom! Petr and I are not together!" Okay, maybe I said that a little too defensively. I was getting flashbacks of the Day of the Dead parade when we almost made out. At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do; but that was then. Now it was just an embarrassing story. One I would never care to repeat.

"Oh I know that, honey. I just wanted to get a reaction out of you."

"You are so manipulative, it scares me sometimes." I admitted. She was giving me a look I'd seen countless time. It was the look that said she was getting a read on me.

"It's what I do." She said, before casually turning back towards the window. Peter was amazingly nearly half way finished with the driveway. "He's such a nice boy. And so handsome! If I had never met Mason, I would have loved to see you with that one."

"Petr is straight, mom."

"Are you sure he's not bi? And you say he actually does this free of charge?! Not that I mean to speak ill of your friend."

"That's what he told me." I said begrudgingly. "He does it for a lot of people in the neighborhood who could use a little help, or who aren't able to do it themselves."

She paused at that. But with my mother, there was always an undercurrent of unsaid words. She could tell that Petr and I were having a falling out. She was silently assessing the situation and quite possibly concocting a master scheme to get us back together.

"I see. Well be sure to bring that mug of hot chocolate out there for that boy when he's nearly finished. I made sure to add ten extra marshmallows; just the way he likes it."

"What?! You made him hot chocolate and not me?" At least I was right about the things left unsaid. "Where are you going, anyway?"

She suddenly gave me a quick hair flip. "Grocery shopping."

"Not alone." My eyes narrowed in suspicion. If there was anyone I inherited my intuition from; it was her. Sadly my dad was as clueless as they came. "I swear mother, if it's with someone I know . . . "

"There he is! Well, I'm off to go find something warmer to wear. Good luck with life."

Good luck with life? What the? I was sure the look on my face was incredulous, but I couldn't find any words to say at that moment. Looking out the window I saw Derek pull up in his Volkswagon Jetta. I should have known it would be him.

"How do you know how Petr likes his hot chocolate?!" I shouted, even though my mom was already out of sight. "Are you psychic now? And you know, this technically still makes you a cougar! Derek graduated high school a year early!"

Instinctively I ducked out of the way. Sooner or later, something would come flying in my direction. Sure enough, what sounded like a boot had thumped against the front door just as I moved myself to safety.

Derek was already heading up the driveway and Petr stopped momentarily to see who was approaching the house. Snow started falling lightly again. The sky was also starting to darken. Yet through it all, Petr was still here, working harder than ever. Mounds of snow had lined the right side of the driveway, leaving the rest practically clear.

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