Chapter Eight

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"The Elders have arrived," Mason said, as he looked out the window.

Oh joy! Time to make myself scarce. It's not that I dislike the Elders, per se. But everytime I'm within their midst, it never seems to end well.

"Breadsticks! Who wants breadsticks?!" I shouted.

Everyone turned to me at my sudden outburst. Mason looked more concerned than usual, while Grandma Dvorak and Petr just offered me that transcendental look they do so well.

"Great! I"ll just go down to the kitchen and put some in the oven." I said without a glance back as I rushed down the stairs to the kitchen. No way in Hades was I going to greet the Elders upon their arrival.

Silently busying myself in the kitchen, I could hear the commotion as they arrived and headed up the stairs. Sounds as if the Apostals are their usual elitist and judgmental selves tonight. Poor Nathaniel. A night with my mom and his ex must be a welcome distraction.

The oven preheated, I placed the breadsticks onto the middle rack. With fifteen minutes to spare, I decided to tidy up the kitchen a bit. It's the least I could do for Grandma Dvorak; she's been looking a bit more frail than usual. As I was washing a few dishes, Mason walked into the kitchen. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me into him from behind; his face resting upon my shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Just needed a bit of a distraction," I said. "Have they figured anything out?" I turned to look at him as I dried my hands.

"They're still gathering all the facts." He said. "Ben was looking for you. I told him you were making breadsticks. Aunt Madison grabbed him before he could race down the stairs to join you." he chuckled.

I couldn't help but laugh. The idea of Benny being restrained by his mother was like a chihuahua restraining a great dane.

"I should return to the meeting before they send someone to find me." Leaning down, he gave me a quick kiss before heading back up the stairs.

Pulling the breadsticks out of the oven, I piled my plate and gorged until I couldn't possibly eat another bite. Surely by now, the Elders should have come up with some type of resolution. Heading back up the stairs to Grandma Dvorak's reading room, I could hear them still debating. Standing in the doorway, I saw everyone lounging in different areas of the room. Mrs. Lockhart was seated opposite Petr, asking him to repeat everything that happened to him word for word. Judging by the exhausted look on his face, he must have repeated the events to everyone several times tonight. Grandma Dvorak was sitting at a small round table; her crystal ball lying within its center with rune stones arranged in a circle around it.

Mason was seated in the wingback chair that faced the doorway; eyes cast to the floor as he listened pensively. At least he was, until he sensed my presence. Glancing up quickly, he locked eyes on me. His once serious gaze now slowly morphing into one of longing. Shifting himself, he slowly sank back into the chair, trying to appear casual as he subtly checked me out; his hands laced behind his head. A devilish smirk gracing his lips. I suddenly felt naked under his gaze, a blush slowly creeping up my neck. I switched my attention to the Elders arguing, but not without first noticing him pout out of the corner of my eye.

I inched through the doorway, watching Mr. Lockhart pace back and forth. Glancing back at Mason, he smiled in satisfaction. He knew he was making me weak in the knees. Game on Mason Caine. Game on. When you least expect it, I will strike with the stealth and swiftness of a viper.

The Elders continued to argue amongst themselves on the best course of action. Mrs. Lockhart tried to regain order to the meeting; Grandma Dvorak looking one spell away to assist. Mr. and Mrs. Caine were fighting to make their voices heard -- not surprisingly, it was the Apostals' who felt their opinions mattered most. Mr. Apostol wouldn't stop yammering about "that disgraceful Derek kid" being in the same room as their son.

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