Chin up butter cup

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Kade, Erika, and Tessa are in Erika's room talk trying to figure out how to tell Jake that they caught Alissa and Logan have sex.

Erika- what what are we going to
Tessa- idk but we have to be careful
Kade- agreed! Ok let's go get Jake and I will tell him by my self then go from there
Erika- ok sounds like a plan
Kade- ok see y'all later
I was looking for Jake when I saw him kinda Drunk but not trashed but he was dancing with Alissa and it made me so mad but then I realized I can't tell him about Alissa it would be a big problem especially with all these people
ErikaPOV- hey T are u ok
Tessa- yeah I'm fine
Erika- know your not
Tessa- yes I am
Erika- no tell me what's wrong
Tessa- I'm just nervous about everything that's about to happen.. Me and Alissa are really close friends yeah sometimes she not a good friend but still and Jake will probably kick her out after he finds out, and what if he gets mad at me and kicks me out for not tell him about what happened like 2 weeks ago
Erika- Tessa jake would never kick u out. You are pretty much his little sister he might be a little upset with u but probably won't even care because u where tired and just thought it was a dream. so chin up butter cup!!
Tessa- Thanks Rik u always no matter hat to say when I. Down idk what I would do with out like for real for real I love u
Erika- awwwe T  that was sweet I love u to and always will no matter what
Tessa- same here❤️
Erika- so I think we have some boys to go see u down
Tessa- yassss
(Out back at the party)
Erika(whispers)- hey T lets get jake away from Alissa ok because I don't think said anything
Tessa- yeah we can try and give that gives jade a chance
I think I should at least try to tell jake because I feel so bad I noticed the T&E walk over to him and he goes up stairs so I follow
Kade- hey jake what are u doing up here
Jake- ohh Idk I came to get some a shirt that got thrown up on so I got them merch
Kade- up jake always plug, but jake there is something I need to tell u
Jake- ok what is it

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