The morning after

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I went downstairs to go talk to Erika about everything that's going on. When I walked into Erika's room I saw her half naked and asleep on Jake. I thought what the heck is going on in this house this is crazy. I slowly and quietly shut the door and go back up stairs. I was hanging out and decided to walk to the café down the street I was walking and talking on the phone with my mom. So I get to the café and see the dude from this morning but he was with some other girl it not that I cared but I just thought it was weird because I'm pretty sure we fucked last night but it's whatever. I feel like shit I'm really hung over I decided to go to target and just walk around because I'm so freaking bored. I get back home and it's like 12 and I see Jake walk out of Erika's room so I walk in and see Erika on her phone
Erika- hey 
Tessa-hey I saw u had a interesting night
Erika- what do u mean
Tessa- well I came in here at like 11 and your where cuddling and I we where just in a bra
Erika- oh u saw that
Tessa- yeah, so SPILL
Erika- ok so last night when u left me and that boy had a freakin wife so I made him leave and Jake came in at first I freaked out but he came in and cried in my lap and we stared talking about our past so I ended up crying in his lap, then we talked all night about just random things. But it's weird because I don't think I have like major feelings but he is cute but idk T
Tessa- that's just crazy. This morning I had to deal with fucking Alissa🙄🙄
Erika-yeah she came in here and freaked out because Jake was in here and I didn't have a shirt on. But Jake handled her and told her she has 2 weeks to move out.
Tessa-idk how I feel about all this. I love Alissa but she back stabbed us and I can't trust her anymore
Erika- I know we where like best friends but now she is mad at me because she is convinced that me and Jake fucked but we didn't I'm not that kind of person and jake isn't like that 2
Tessa- yeah
So what happened to u last night I went to the bathroom and didn't come back
Tessa- we'll ummm
Erika- what happened
Tessa- I don't really remember but I woke up naked in my bed next to some dude and then I saw him at the café with some girl
Erika- TESSA
Tessa- don't be mad
Erika- I'm not just disappointed
Tessa- we'll I'm on the pill so I should be good
Erika- you better
JakesPOV: I told Erika that we could sleep a little longer but I couldn't I was thinking about everything. I looked down at Erika and she was cuddled up next to me she is cute and I'm thankful for her. I finally fall a sleep for like 5 minuets and get up trying not to wake up Erika but it didn't work
Erika- where u going
Jake- to take a shower u wanna join
Erika- ummm
Jake- jk
Jake- thank u again
Erika- no problem
Jake- we have a meeting in the office at 2:15
Erika- ok thanks
Erika'sPOV: T came in and we where talking and she left and I was as alone thinking about last night with Jake he is my boss but I think I'm falling for him. I need to take a shower and get ready for are meeting
(After getting ready) I walked out and saw Jake ordering food and he asked if I wanted some
Erika- sure
Jake- what u want
Erika- (tells him) thanks
Jake- no problem
Erika- so how u feel this morning
Jake- um I have a headache but other then that I'm fine how about you
Erika- good I spelt so good last night idk y
Jake-maybe because we cuddled all night
Erika- I think that's it
(Later that night)
Everyone down stairs
Jake- ok so I decided that Alissa had to leave because she hurt me to much and anyone wanna follow her speak now
Neels- I'm gone Alissa told me how u fucked Erika last night and have been flirting with her and your gonna kick her out because she "hurt" u that is fucking stupid
I look and she Erika with tears in her eyes
Neels- I'm mean yeah u fucked
Jake- neels shut the fuck up im went to her she didn't make me go in there!!! And she made me feel better then anyone has ever made me feel!!SO GET OUT!!!
Jake- and for the rest of you tonight we are gonna go out to dinner and probably to the club to celebrate getting rid of the negative people that was dragging us done
Team10: sounds good
Jake- alright be ready by 9:30
Everyone is out having a good time at dinner then I pay and we go to the club
(3:30am)  Jake and Erika are drunk AF
Jake- has anyone ever told u how pretty u are
Erika- all the time
Jake- well I think we should go home I'm over this club let get every one
Erika- ok

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