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D- um well it looks like you are at having contraction but you are only 8 months so that is usual, so are gonna keep you her and see if they stop, but there is a chance you could have the baby today.
J-ok but is the baby fine
D-yes of course it's that we just want you to say so we can keep a eye on the baby in case you have to have a emergency C section
J- ok I see, thank you
D- no problem
E- yes thank you very much doctor
D- ok I will be back in a little bit to check up
E&J-ok thank you
We got to leave the hospital later that night because they stop so we went home

4weeks later

I was upstairs preparing Scarllett's room for when she comes home because it's coming so soon when I felt a sharp pain so I sat down when Anthony walked bye

A- hey E you ok
E- um I think so but can you get Jake
A- yes of course

I decided to get up and walk to our room and my water broke when Jake came running up

J- hey baby what's wrong
E- I think my water just broke
J- wait what
E- yeah what do we do
J-well I think go to the hospital!! Are you ready
E- yes let's go

In the car
E- omg babe I can't believe I'm about to have my little girl it's has been one of the best experiences in my life and I can't believe we are about to meet her
J- I know baby I'm so happy for you and I'm just excited to met her as you are to met Scarllett, we need to get plane tickets for your family and my mom because they are all so excited
E- I know this is so exciting we have to call our moms
Jake booked the tickets and they both had like 1 1/2 hrs to be at the airport good thing that it's late so there probably not that much traffic

EM- hey sweetie
E- pack your bags we got you tickets to LA you have 1 1/2hrs to be on the plane and there is one for you,dan,Morgan,Jc,& of course Dannie
EM- Erika are you ok it's like 11:30 here and u want us to be on a plane at 1am
E- do u not want to me Scarllett
EM- who is that
E-oh I forgot to mention I'm going into labor and we are naming the baby
Scarllett Olivia-Rose Costell
EM- WTF omg baby I will be there ASAP I just have to wake everyone up and I will be there and that is a adorable name
E- aww thanks ok see you soon
EM- ok I love you
E- love you 2 mom

J- why did you take so long to tell her😂😂
E- idk I'm bored it's gonna be a long next few hours so I figured we all need a good laugh
J- hah I love you, now we can call my mom
E- sounds good

JM- Hey Jakey are ok
J- yeah why you say that
JM- well it's 11:30 at night and you called me
J- yeah, you don't wanna talk to your fave son
JM-well I would love to talk to you jakey but can it not wait until the morning
J- No
JM- ok then what's on your mind
J- well I was think that that you could get on a plane at 1 and come meet Scarllett
JM- Jake who is that
J- oh I didn't tell you we are naming the baby Scarllett Olivia-Rose Costell
JM- aww that's a cute name but Erika's not due for like 1 week or 2, wait she now
J- yep Erika is going into labor we are going to the hospital right now, and I got you a plane ticket to come down
JM- omg let me gets something's things and I will be on my way
J- yeah your flight leaves at 1am
JM- ok love y'all  u see y'all soon
J- we love you!! see ya

At the hospital

N- hello how may I help you
J- well my girl friend is so into labor
N- omg (starts to rush around)

Erika gets settled into her room and the doctors come in

D- hello Miss.Costell it looks like the baby is ready to come
J-wow ok so now what
D- well it's a waiting game it looks like Erika is a 6cm
J- ok
D- I will be back to check on u in a little bit

A few hours later (after she had the baby)

E- Jake I am worried
J- don't be Monkey is going to be fine they would have said something
E- yeah I know It's just the waiting game now
J- yep but our moms should be here tonight so that's a big plus and T10 said they will come if you are ok with that
E- yes they should come
J- ok I will let them no
E- alright
J-1 more thing babe, I am so proud of you
E- thank you I am happy you where there for me the whole way through, thank Jake for everything you have done

N-knock knock
J- hello
E- hi
N- ok so we have some good news and bad news, witch would u like first
N- ok well it looks like we are going to have to keep the baby in the here for a few days because she had some fluid built up and we have to do a small surgery on here where we put a tube through her nose and suck all the fluid out and then we will have to keep her her probably for 2 or 3 days just to make sure she is fine and doesn't have any more problems but, the good news is that y'all can see her in a little bit & she won't be here very long we just want to make sure she healthy and won't have any troubles breathing, eating, or with her heart because she had the fluid buildup but other then that she seems like a perfect baby and last thing you will get to leave in tomorrow
J- ok thank you so much
E- yes thank you, so when do we get to see her
N- probably in a 1hr or 2 because they are doing her little procedure right now then y'all can see her
E- ok thank you
N- no problems if you need anything let me know
J- yes ma'am and thank you again

Few hours later

N- so are y'all ready to see your baby girl
J&E- yesss of course

Thank you guys so much for reading❤️❤️

& should I make this a long book or kinda like a series

Jerika here for you ~part 1~Where stories live. Discover now