Telling evryone

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We just got to the café when I was about to get out of the car and I just stared crying because I was worried about what Ryan was gonna say but I'm  glad Jake is here idk what I would do without he is so helpful, sweet, and kind

J-babe what's wrong I hate it when you're upset I want u to be happy
E- I'm just worried about Ryan's reaction
J-awww babe it's gonna be ok I am here for u and monkey no matter what
E- thanks Jake

I cleaned up my face and we walk inside to order I really want my coffee but the smell of coffee makes me so sick so I just get a water with a chicken rap. We go and sit outside because I can't stand the smell inside. Ryan finally shows up late as usual

R- hi  
E- so how are u
R-good, I realized all my mistakes that I have made in the pass and I want to say I'm sorry and I'm happy that u found a nice guy
E- well thank you
J- yes thank u , I glad you can own up to your mistakes and be a man
R- I have mad a lot of bad choices in the past and I'm not proud of them but I need to be man about
J- I respect that
R- ok well I'm gonna go in and order something then we can talk 

Just J&E
E- I'm surprised, maybe he won't ran off and not care about his baby
J- me to he has changed since the last time we talk

R- alright so what was it u wanted to talk about rik
E- ok so I don't really know how to say but I am almost 10 weeks pregnant so that means it is your baby not jakes
R- wow I don't know what to say
E- we'll take some time and think it's ok
R- well I'm excited but it's just gonna be weird because we aren't dating but I'm happy I'm sure we can make this work
E- really, I that you would be mad and not anything to do with it
R- yes that was the old me but idk one day something just changed for the better
E- well I'm glad

Are food came and we talked about how he could come to the doctors appointment  and we would tell him about how the baby is and if anything happened. It made me happy to know he want to be apart of this baby's life. We said good bye.

J- well that went good
E- I know that takes a lot of stress off me
J- I'm glad because that's not good for little monkey
E- I know
J- so do u wanna tell team10
E- yesss I think we should make it like a game and we can record it but let's not post it until we are for sure that the baby is all good and healthy
J- that's a good idea

We come up with this spin the wheel game with where u spin it and have 20 sec to answer as many answers u can we get home and get everything set up and tell everyone the rules, ok so everyone get in a team of 2 me and Jake will show y'all

E- Ok so I spin the wheel and it lands on 3 I go get the card and read it out loud but not the answer because on each card there are 10 answer and if u get all time u get 2 extra points ok so card 3-  says name animals with spots or stripes & at least 2 answer so Jake has 40 sec to name them and for every one he gets right I put a tally mark so if he get 6 animals I put 6 tally marks and at the end u count them up and who ever has the most wins ok
T10- got it


Ok so everyone goes 3 times

We where playing and it was Kade's and Tristan's turn they get 1
Tristan- how many girls are pregnant in team 10 and there names
K- 1 Tessa
Tr- omg no way
T10- what
Tr-( gives it to Kade )
Kade- Erika your pregnant
T10- wait whatttt
E- yes!!! Surprise!!! But I know y'all probably think it's with Jake but it's not it's with my Ex Ryan with is kinda sad but me and Jake went and talked to him and he is as excited as we are

Jerika here for you ~part 1~Where stories live. Discover now