Bullet (Gency)

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The man was fast, or maybe it was out of fear? However, it didn't matter to Genji. He knew he was faster, so the Shimada only yawned then tackled him, as if the man was his prey.

The poor guy groaned in pain from the sudden tackle, after that Genji stabs the heel of his shoe into his back.

"AGHH!!!" The man cries in pain, but Genji took no mercy on him.

He sighs, taking up his bat from his fellow companion. "Its a shame really.."

Slowly brushing the head of the bat on the ground, towards where the man was at. "You were such a good fighter, yet you betrayed my brother... and for what, a small fortune?"

Genji chuckles, watching the man struggling to stand up "My brother was not happy..."

He hits the man with his bat, making him fall right back down. The man screams in pain, but Genji's partners cover the victims mouth.

He sneers "My brother hates people like you... blinded by their own greed.." but the Shimada puts on a smile crouching down at the poor injured man. "And if my brother hates someone..." he lets a low chuckle "That's like giving them a death sentence.."

Genji stands up "Kill him.."
His words were followed by whacks and hits takened upon the injured man. As the man screams in pain but Genji felt it was exactly what the man deserved.


Angela hated working late nights. But it was needless to say that even at night times there was somebody in trouble.

However, now she could finally go home from a long day of work from the hospital. Ana said she deserved the break.

What could she do?
Maybe settle in with some nice hot chocolate....
Or finish reading that 10000 page book she had never finished...
Or find a dead body on the floor...

Wait WHAT!!

The doctor gasped,
The man was losing a lot of blood, but maybe with some bandages and stitching. She sighs, so much for a break.

Angela takes some bandages out of her bag, she always packed extras from the hospital. Then wrapped it around the man's wound. She took his pulse. It was beating faintly, at least he's still alive!!

She should take him to the hospital, he'll heal better there. She packs her stuff then prepared to lift him. Biggest mistake...

"GAH!!" Angela crashed onto the floor, how much does this guy weigh?! The doctor groaned, releasing him. Great, how was she going to get him to the hospital...

The women looked at the man as his eyes start to flutter open. Oh, he's awake!!

"Oh uh hi!! You were bleeding really bad... we should get you to a hospital fast!!" She says, but the man just looks at her with a fierce look.

"Y-You're.. Just another one of them!!" He says with a scowl on his face.

Angela blinked a few times
"What? Who?"

"Don't play dumb with me!! I know your from Shimada clan!! To know that Hanzo would go so far!!" Suddenly he grabs a gun from his pocket.

The sound of its shot fills my ear, as she covers it. "PLEASE STOP!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!" Angela yells.

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