The Retribution (Gency)

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Author's Note:
With part one and two!!
Continue with the ~~~~♡~~~~

I cleaned my blade with a white cloth while Moira rolls in the chair next to me looking bored. I eyes her suspiciously, not because she was a creepy weaboo who probably watches Naruto. It was because everytime she was next to me it would send a chill down my spine. The first day we met she asked me my blood type.

"Aren't you supposed to be torturing bunnies and doing experiments on them?" I say putting my sword on my back.

Moira sighs
"Commander forbids me to do any experiments on what he calls 'innocent creatures'... of course Reyes agrees with him..."

I rolled my eyes "I wonder why?" I replied sarcastically.

The scientists smile
"Such a shame really... unless you would like to be-"
"Forget it."

Moira crosses her arms. "I don't understand, you let that little witch of an angel experiment on you!!"

I frowned staring at her
"You mean Dr. Ziegler? And she doesn't experiment on me, if she were too it would be very gentle!!" My cheeks blooming under my visor.

"Ugh... I don't know why you people like her.." this time it was her turn to roll her eyes.

My words turn into slurs
"What!! I-I don't like her.. that.. way."
"I said people, not you.."

Steam puffs out of my visor "O-Oh.."  as she stares at me wearily.

I brush the feeling off "What? You don't like her?"

Moira rolls her eyes "If I had two bullets with Hitler, a dinosaur and Angela in the same room. I'd shoot her twice.." then leans back in her chair.

I never knew why she hated the kind doctor. Gabe called it an argument, Jesse called it rivalry but Morrison called it pure madness.

Then a knock on a door as it slides open like a window. Dr. Ziegler steps in with her doctor's coat with a clip board in hand. "Ah!! Genji, and Moira!! My two favorite people!!" She smiles.

My heart gushes as Moira scoffs making a noise that sounded like throwing up. "It is not my prefence to stay, I have better things to do so I will take my leave..." she says standing up then walking out of the lab.

I look over to Dr. Ziegler who sets down her clipboard and pours a cup of coffee, then hands a cup to me. "Anyways, what brings you here Genji? I thought we scheduled our appointment next week."

I stare at the dark brown drink. I couldn't taste anything at the moment, but Angela was working on that. I take off my visor then let the hot liquid pour onto my tongue. I only felt comfortable revealing my face to her.

"I suppose.. I feel more relaxed here.."
"Aww~ that's nice to hear!!"
"Then Moira came in and ruined everything..."

The doctor takes a seat next to me. "Well, you ever need to get anything off your chest. Feel free to come here to relax. I know how stressful blackwatch can be..."

I took a breath in then out, then stare at the coffee as it flashes my own reflection back at me. "Its... fine.." 

Angela puts hand on top of mines, which in fact is a lot smaller than my hand. "I just want you to remember that you don't only have members in blackwatch but also in Overwatch. And if you'd like.."

She puts on a little smile.
"You can come to me..."

"Ninja down!!"

The words made me jump a little out of my metal armor. "Eh.. What?" I stared at the cowboy in daze from my little daydream. I was still thinking about what had happened at Dr. Ziegler's office.

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