Sentai vs Imp (Gency)

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At day, it was the usual.
Genji would wake up from bed, brush his teeth and get to work. And he did remember to wear his clothes, he doesn't work as a stripper....

At work it was boring, the office was boring! All he did was file papers and get yelled by his brother who was the boss. EVEN WORSE!!

But at the end of the day.
There was still something he looked forward, something that came up every night.

"Glad you could make it, Genji." The sweet honey voice says after the creak of the open door.

"Of course I couldn't miss it, you cooked dinner just for me, dear." He replies kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. And his nose met with the beautiful dinner that would soon meet his stomach.

Right, he was talking about his girlfriend. Genji was a lucky man to have such a wonderful women. Her name was Angela Ziegler, the famous doctor who made her mark on medical history! Achievements after achievements, it never seemed to stop.

Genji took his jacket off and put it on the hanger while Angela closed the door. After they settled in, they took their seats opposite from each other.

He took a sip of wine, letting the cool liquid slip down his throat.

"How was work today?" Angela asks cutting her knife into her steak.

Genji groaned, "Boring as usual. My brother never seems to give up from yelling at me."

She giggles, "Hanzo? How is he doing by the way?"

"Tch." Genji pouts. "Like a grumpy old man. Nevermind him, how's the day like in the hospital?"

"Fine, but I think Moira is trying to peek on my files. I swear I caught her looking in my notes!!"

"That witch!"
"I know!"

We laughed together, clinking our glass and talking about our day, oh? You thought this was what he looked forward to. Then that's where your wrong.

Even though Genji enjoyed the time he shared with his girlfriend. It was only settling and comforting. Most people would enjoy a mood like this, but for Genji. It was only 2nd to his list.

The feeling didn't excite him, it didn't make the adrenaline in his vein travel as fast, it didn't keep him at the edge of his seat. Wondering what was going to happen next?!

And now this...

Genji stood over the glimmering city, lights flashing against the night sky. The wind brushed against his cheek, his green sentai helmet under the crook of his arm. He pulled up his white scarf, "It's getting quite chilly these nights..." but he didn't mind, it only added more excitement to his work.

At day Genji was a worker in the Shimada company.

But at night he was a hero. The hero Sentai, responsible for restoring justice and saving the good from the evil.

The sound of police cars as their red  and blue lights reflect across the glass windows of the buildings.

Sentai smiled, "Finally."
He put on his helmet and clutched onto his weapons as he dropped down. Slashing his way from rooftops after rooftops.

Genji finally saw it there was a crowd of police cars and civilians surrounding a building. Everyone was looking up. A helicopter flew by finally flashing it's spotlight on the criminal.

The criminal was his daily customer, Imp. Had violet hair like a villain and a wings like a devil. Her primary weapon was a staff but not for healing but for beating. She was responsible for many charges, however it seemed the only reason for her actions were for her own benefit.

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