Hate (Reaper76)

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The feeling was strong, it seemed to loom over us like a heavy musk that you could choke on.

But you never noticed it, you were too busy living your life in the beautiful sunshine!!

You didn't even notice how much pain I was carrying, watching you succeed.

Awards after awards, you bested me in them all!!

Then finally they named you commander of Overwatch!! It was silly for me to think I actually had a chance....

I mean who wouldn't pick a blond superhero over me, an ordinary... damn.. soldier.

That day I wanted to destroy everything. Wanted to burn the place down, wanted to KILL them slowly... watching them just shaking on the ground.

Where's your blonde hero now?

And then you reached out, with a worried look on your face, your hand reaching out for me. You looked at me with pity, but it was the last thing I needed.

You asked if I was okay. I only played a little smile on my face, laughing that I was fucking fine!!

But I wasn't..

And I wasn't going to tell you that. The world still needed their precious hero, they didn't want him to be scarred by the bitter darkness.

It drove me mad!!
How everyone looked up to you... not knowing the ones who died were the real heroes..
How you got a statue in front of the HQ and you acted so modest. You must've loved the attention.
And how everywhere I went all I saw was a poster with your stupidly perfect face outshining the others so well!!

Now all your glory is destroyed!! I stand amongst the ruins of your hard work. And the horrified face you made as you stood over the dead soldiers that had fallen because of me!!

You looked at me with a twisted scar on top of your handsome face.

The fact you weren't dead already, made me sick. Must've been that stupid superhuman drug they pumped into you.

I wanted to tear your skin apart, cut you limb by limb!! Wanted to see you choking on your own blood.


But all you did was cried. And all I did was stand there and watch you Because it was sad that the only thing you could do was to shed your tears for the dead.

How weak can you get....
How can someone like you surpass me!!
After all the things I've done!!
That I thought would lessen the pain!!

Why... couldn't I bring myself to smile looking at all the damage that I've wanted...

Why did I feel so... sad..

To hate you so much...
But couldn't destroy you at the same time..

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