Comfort (Pharmercy)

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Fareeha was 18 when she found out about her mother's death. Morrison was the one who broke it down to her, and Reyes sat next to her patting the young lady on the shoulder.

"She was caught by a sniper in the mission, we tried contacting her. There was no response, I'm so sorry.." The commander says.

Fareeha tears stream down, as the sob stuck in her throat came out. She broke down in sadness, weeping till her cheeks were wet.

"Kid.." Reyes reached out to her, but Fareeha took a step back withdrawing from the man's comfort. When the commander tried to help as well, she just broke into a run and went out of her room.

The girl ran blindly with no sense of direction, since in her mind all she could think about was what happened?

How could the only person she cared about leave her? Who did this to her? Oh, why did she have to go!?

Lost in her own sadness, she never realized the way she was headed. And that was straight into, the angel of Overwatch.


Fareeha fell down and shook her head sniffles her running nose to see a bunch of papers on the floor with the doctor fallen on her bottom.

"Ow..." Dr. Ziegler groans, "My files!!" Then looks up "Fareeha?"

The women's face turn crimson, it reddened even more when she realized about her weeping stance. "I-I need to go..." Fareeha was gonna turn and go but a comforting hand pulled her back.

"Wait, Fareeha..."
The gentle voice said which made her head snap back, not caring anymore if there were tears stained on her cheeks. "Please stay..."

The doctor stood up, putting a hand on her shoulder it didn't feel the same way as Reyes had done. It made her feel.... safe.


Pharah sniffled a bit, she wiped all her tears away before when Angela told her to get settled down in her office. She made sure she was done with all her patients.

The doctor sat next to her with concerning eyes scanning her face. "Fareeha?" 

The women looked down on the floor, trying to not say anything. She wanted to cry again, but she wasn't sure if she enough tears to do that.

"This is about your mother, correct?" Dr. Ziegler says.

Fareeha nods, and bit her lip so she couldn't cry, it wasn't working so well.

Angela sighs, "Your mother was a brave women, she sacrificed herself for the people. And she will always be remembered as a hero." The doctor looks at her. "You'll become a great hero just like her too!"

I didn't respond.

"We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to," Suddenly Pharah felt a hand over her's. She looked up to see the flustered doctor.

"I just want... you to know, I'm here for you. If you need anyone to talk to, I'll be by your side." Angela smiles warmly at her.

Something fluttered in inside Fareeha, and it made her tears fall yet again. But this time she felt comfortable to cry now. She felt comfortable near her.

"Agh, I miss her... I miss her so much!" Fareeha says embracing Angela her tears staining the doctor's coat. "She... She was the only family I ever had...."

Dr. Ziegler rubs the women's back. "There, there... it'll be alright... I promise you..."

That moment Fareeha let out her grief which was replaced by the love she was given.

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