First Day Ted's POV

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Ted's POV

Hey what's up in Theodore Hisao but if you call me that get ready for a black eye.

I'm kidding no but seriously call me ted.

Also my last name tells you I'm Asian but uh...I was adopted...My parents kinda made it obvious by the fact I'm blonde and they both have brown and black hair.

They're also Asian and I'm Caucasian...So I mean yeah.

I'm starting the first day of my second year here at the Future dream high school, I'm also the first generation of students here so I mean...

Go Rhinos!!

I'm the Quarterback of the Football team of course, so I'm basically the schools king...
Pfft I'm sorry I saying all this and I can't even take myself seriously.

Look I'm not a douche bag about my position on the team, I'm just a very handsome guy on the football team...And the strongest...okay you get it I'm a lot of things but I can brag about them in my head okay!

Anyway, I meet up with my 3 year girl friend who is my middle school sweetheart Kristen.

"Hey baby~" she says putting her phone away quickly...she's been doing that a lot lately.

"Uh hey Kris,." She kisses me on the lips quickly.

"Sorry I have to go for something very important so I'll see you later." She says as she walks away with that sexy sway of her hips.

God I love her.

I finally meet up with my friends and we talk amongst each other.

"Man I can't believe this is the just the second year! It's so much fun being here!" Our only female Football team member Gabriella says, she's very sweet and the most hyper active girl at the school, I'm surprised she's not a cheerleader.

"Yeah, being the first generation of students can be exciting...For a year, girl chill." The schools player Brian says to her.

"Ugh, you have very little spirit for our school, we need to have Every amount of spirit to show this school we're ready for anything!" Yeah she has a lot of school spirit.

"Well you yelling sure shows it, miss Pinkie Pie." Out schools...Gangster? I mean he's in a
Gang, I just don't know what it is...Not that many gangs in Canada.

The bell rings.

"Well time to go to class...Fun." We walk to the class room.

I take my seat In Mrs.K's class and I see that nerd I accidentally shoved in his locker.

Yes I accidentally knocked him into his locker I'm not a douche bag, even though I found it...kinda funny but still! I did not mean to.

Mrs.Kirkland walks In and of course she tells her stories of soul mates and stuff and I love it, I always wished I would meet my soul mate, and for all I know it's Kristen!

-After class-

There's gonna be a party tonight and me Kristin are goin' and I'm hyped.

Maybe I'll get lucky.

"Hey Ted." I hear Samantha say as she walks over to me.

"You going to Brian's party tonight? I heard he's gonna be playing the Whole lemonade Album!"
Samantha said being the Beyoncé fanatic she is, and I mean who's to blame her, Queen B is beautiful but...She's not exactly my taste in music.

I more into Rock n roll but Knowing Brian- oh uh, Brian is the Captain of the football team he's also a bit of a Football god...And a douche bag, Sometimes I want to be captain, but I'm lazy as it is so nah.

In my next class is math with Mr.Wang.

I take my seat and Brian sits next to me and we greet each other with a hand shake thing, and  see that nerd I accidentally knocked into his lock- okay what was his name...Mrs.Kirkland said it I don't remember- and oh okay he's sitting next to me.

"...." he's pretty silent and he's still just reading his book.

"...Ahem." I Try to get his attention but he ignores me.

"Uh excuse me." I tap his shoulder and he makes a annoyed sigh and look at me.

"...y-yes what do you uh...need." He's kinda shy but I can work with this.

"I'm uh, sorry about earlier, I laugh at all the wrong times so...yeah...We cool?" I put my hand out to him and he takes it and we handshake.

"Yeah...W-we're cool." He smiles and looks down at his book.

"hmm...Alright good." I turn back to Brian and he makes a snarky face.

"Why you talking to a nerd Hisao doesn't you image mean anything to you?" Did I mention Brian is a bit of Dick head, but he's a nice guy...After a year of knowing him.

"Uh what? I have to make curtain friends now Ex-Quarterback?" Brian used to be the Quarterback and king of the school but guess who got that place.

"Yes you do, Hot babes and Cool dudes, not Loner nerds." He says with a cocky smile.

Ugh sometimes I question why we're friends but whatever, he throws some pretty lit party's any way.

"Hey you gonna bring Kristen to the party?" Brian asks and I can help but notice how hopeful he sounds.

"uh...Yeah why wouldn't I?" I say raising my eyebrow.

"Just wondering, your still with her though?" He says.

"Uh...Yeah got a problem with that?" I say getting pretty defensive.

"Nothing it's just you know, aren't you getting bored?"

Oooooooh I'm gonna beat this guys ass, okay, Breath.

"A. that's fucked up, B. no I don't get bored C. You can't just get bored with someone that's like...Not morally right." He rolls his eyes.

"One day you'll fall in love and then you'll beat the guy that says the same shit you say." I say.

"Yeah you sound like my mom and you know she's the most uncoolist person ever."

He did not...Just insult the Queen.

"you know what...I'll see ya at the party."

I say and Mr Wang walks in and math begins and all I know is that tonight...

Gonna be LIT!!
((I hate that I made him say that))

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