Development before anger

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A/n: Y'all will hate Ted in this chapter.

The SMS Systems POV

Soulmates detected, Rejection stage Anger.

Records recorded.

Subject Theodore Hisao has harmed his soulmate.

Nathan got up shaking holding his stomach, his whole body numb to everything but the sharp pain in his heart.

Never in his life has he felt that pain.

It felt like a knife that was burned in magma was just plunged into his heart.

Ted was not numb to this.

Ted felt it the moment his fist made contact with Nathan's stomach.

Except sharper and much more agonizing.

But his anger numbed his senses to where he had no reaction to it.

But they both felt it.

By the end of the day Ted and Nathan walk back to their dorm rooms at very different times.

Unknowing that they're next-door neighbors, thankfully.

Nathan sits on his bed with conflicting feelings...He doesn't know how to feel.

He wants ted to comfort him, he wants to be next to ted so he can cry into his chest, feel Ted's hand on his cheek to wipe a tear but.....He's the one that made him feel this pain.

Ted, he wants to comfort Nathan, he wants to say he's sorry he wants to hold and wipe the tears he didn't see Run down Nathan's cheeks but his anger for this unknown pain in his heart.

They're both angry with each other.

Anger makes you do things you wish you could take back but you never can.

You'll say something or do something that you can never take back.

Every tear, every drop of blood can never be taken back, but in a way that's a good thing.

The tears that fall leave the anger and pain to dry on the floor.

To be forgotten and forgiven.

But blood stains, luckily no blood was spilled but if it was, no matter how clean or how it looks blood will still be there.

For Nathan and Ted.

Ted had left a reminder of what he did in the form of a bruise.

Who know how long it will stay there.

Ted though wants to say sorry, at this very moment he feels no remorse.

No sympathy.

No empathy.

He's just...Angry at what he can't deny anymore.

With so much hypocrisy in his mind and heart.

His heart wants Nathan's love but his mind wants to hate him.

What will win?

The mind or the Heart.

He hates Nathan.

Yet loves Him so much.

Same to be said with Nathan.

His heart says he should love ted but his head says he shouldn't even think of the name.

All this is happening as they just sit on their beds.

Ted can't think about sports when his hand hurts from the forced he punched Nathan with.

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