Storm of Hate

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The rain is falling down on the world.

A portal in the heavens opens from above but being midnight no sees this.

The goddess of Love floats down with her infant in her arm.

She lands in front of a Catholic orphanage.

"...I'm so sorry..."

She walks to the door and she knocks on the door.

A nun opens the door and she sees this woman in a cloak, and a infant in her arms.

Venus hands the infant to the nun who didn't even hesitate taking the child.

"Please...Treat him with Kindness, and be sure he has great joy in his life...I just...I beg you...Please give him the love that I want to...But I can't."

The nun smiles at Venus, unknowing who she is talking to.

"We will...This little angel will know love, I promise you that."

"Thank you...Thank you so much.

Venus looms over her child on last time and whispers to him.

"One day...One day I'll see you again...I promise."

She kisses him on his forehead and she walks off into the dark rainy night.

She walks and walks until she hears the door close.

A tear falls...Then more come down, hiding in the rain.

Venus lifts her hands to her face and she falls with loud sob of pure misery.

She can't take care of her child because of this Damed war between the hate...But if her child stayed he would've been killed.

"I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry....Please forgive me..."

Venus sits in the middle of the street, in the rain...

Grieving at her loss...

{present day}

Venus's POV

I sitting on my throne, I haven't left my castle is in such a long time...My people must fear for me.

"My Goddess!! It's a emergency!!"

A love fairy slide into a kneel before me.

"Rise...What is the matter?"

The love fairy stands and she looks at me with fear I recognize...

"He's...He's back!"

It can't be...He was banished into the seven hells!! How is he back! Galgo you FOOL!!

I stand and I let my wings form and I fly through the window above the entrance of my castle And my whole realm....

Is covered in pedals...but not rose pedals.
Lilly pedals...The sky usually Pink and blue now gray and red.

Great the clouds of joy...their gone.

The only thing in my realm that stands is the tree of Mercy and the seeds of Hope.

The Justice system is going crazy but the rest have just...Turned into stone.

A dark mist is approaching my Palace, I gracefully land and I look forward into the darkness.

Denial, anger, bargaining and Depression, run at my sides.
Weapons they bare and they look forward ready to attack if needed.
I can definitely say it's needed.

I see a still very handsome mad walk out of the mist, wearing his sombrero and his dark jacket and long pants.

"Venus mi Amor."

He says with that smile I somehow fell in love with.

"How did you get here?"

He laughs deeply walking closer to me.

"Isn't it obvious? I have army and I have power, your god of the Gates of Hell couldn't deal with us himself." He says just a few steps away from me. Myself what did he do Galco? No one can take him down! Wait...Army?

"You have an army?" I say trying to keep my voice form shaking, the knights of loyalty are currently Stone!!

"Oh right, I should introduce you to my...Familia."

He waves his and the mist fades and it shows a army of...I can't even tell.

They stand with jet black armor, and they hold some of my love Fairies captive.


"No need to worry Venus!" Denialla says as she spins her spear, "those things are not gonna get past me!"

"They'll burn before they get anywhere close to the castle!" Anger's hair goes into a blaze and he points his swords forward.

"How very Naughty~ They all need to be punished." Bargaining says as she plants her axe into the ground. "How should they die~"

Depression raises her Bow and pulls back an arrow. "We've gone to far to stop now...Your storm won't destroy this place..."

They're only four of them and yet they want to fight...My realm needs me and so does earth.

If he's here that means the storm is back...The Storm of Hate, it's probably ravishing the earth as we speak.

My son...If I don't act soon.

"...Where is mi Mijo?" He says walking towards me again.

"He's far far from here...You won't be able to get to him I'll tell you that!" I say summoning my staph, "I'll die before I let you touch him!" I point my staph at him.

"...Your words my dear." He snaps and then the battle cries rage and the army charges at us.

"They scream...And I cry." Depression shoots an arrow into the sky, and that one arrow turns into multiple thought taking out only the front a good amount.

Denial and Anger swing both sword and Spear, not letting anything touch them.

Bargaining isn't just killing them she's slaughtering them with her axe, heads are truly rolling. "I'll tear you limb by limb!"

As many of them surround me and slam my staph to the ground and a magenta heart appears under my feet and light rises from the heart sending them back and away from me.

"I will protect my realm, I'm gonna protect earth and I'm going to protect my son from you!!" I say pointing my staph at him.

"...If you say so." He draws a on edge sword and points it towards me. "Prepare to feel yourself bleed."

We charge at each other.

My realm is under siege, and my warriors are frozen in stone.

As I battle all I have left is...

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