Dinner in Paris.

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I am dedicating this chapter to Kalpana04
Thank my dear readers for all the votes and comments on last chapter.
My dear silent reader please vote. More than one thousand readers per chapter  but only 200-250 votes. If you really like my stories show it with your votes😊

Rinky was not able to sleep. She thought of taking a nap before getting ready for dinner but the way Karan was sleeping, wrapping his arm around her waist, never let her close her eye. His hot breath was fanning her neck, creating havoc inside her.

She was waiting for him to loosen his hold, but it seems impossible.

Suddenly Karan turned in his sleep. Rinky found the right moment to move. She slightly moved and sat up looking at him, his handsome face. She itched to touch his face, run his finger on his messed hair. But she shook her thoughts and got out of the bed.

She picked up the receiver and called for the coffee ,then she took the dress and her things and went to the dressing room to get ready for her first dinner date with Karan.

Karan woke up with the knock at the door. He looked around but Rinky was not in the room. He walked out and opened the door. His all time favourite butler Arnold was smiling at him,"Sir, mam called for coffee" butler said.

"Please come in and keep it in the bed room" Karan said and walk behind the butler.

After keeping the tray butler nodded at Karan and left.

Karan walk back to the bedroom,"Rinky are you ready" Karan knocked at the bathroom door.

"Yes Karan... comingggg" she replied, checking herself in the mirror. Then she slowly opened the door and walked out, in black knee length, full sleeve net dress. She looked up at Karan who was admiring her, his gorgeous blue eyes were fixed on hers.

Rinky gulped hard, she wanted him to say something rather than melting her with his blue eyes.

"You look so beautiful" He finally spoke putting his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. Then he bent his head lowering his gaze to her lips. Rinky though that he is going to kiss her but instead he whispered " I am proud of my choice " he said in serious tone.

Rinky blushed understanding what he means, she shyly stepped back"coffee" she pointed towards the coffee table.

They both had coffee together and then Karan got ready in grey formal suit.

"Ohh ...I forgot my overcoat" Rinky said while walking out of the bed room. She turned to get her overcoat from her luggage but Karan held her by her waist.

"But I didn't" he smiled and walk out in living room where mustard color overcoat was hanging on the coat stand," again gift" Rinky walked beside him and asked.

"Well, it was taken before we promised about no expensive gifts and really saying it will suit your dress" he said taking off the jacket from the stand.

Rinky turned her back to him, he helped her wear the jacket then they headed out for their first dinner date.

George parked the car outside the two storey glass building . They got down thanked driver and then walk toward the restaurant entry.

Restaurant was in the centre of big open garden, on the left was parking lot and right side has waiting area.

"This restaurant looks amazing from outside" Rinky said. She was shivering due to cold. She was totally covered in winter wear but still she was feeling cold.

Karan pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her small waist, "I can make you warm but for that we have to cancel our dinner date" he whispered in her ears. Rinky didn't replied him, she just smile at him. He was making it very clear that he want more in this relationship. Rinky can very well understand that Karan is happy with her but she is scared to ask him what he really feel for her.

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