Chapter 1 - I have something you don't have

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Those 10 years were very hard for me. Everyone at the orphanage knew something had happened at that house but they didn’t know what. The staff pretended I didn’t exist and the other kids didn’t talk to me out of fear and disgust and when they did they just called me names. Avery was still with me but he didn’t kill anyone and only using his powers when he thought he needed it. Avery and my bond became stronger. I could read his thoughts and, if I needed to, control him. As hard as life was at the orphanage, it was always my home. I always felt safe and I didn’t think I would ever leave until Avery snapped again. 
               I was 14 years old. My blond hair was then wavy with natural brown streaks it had grown so it is midway down my back, I was taller than the average 14 year old and my blue eyes always had a spark of mischief in them. I was lying in the bright green grass, enjoying the sun by myself feeling Avery next to me.  I sighed and smiled to myself, dreaming of a life better than this. With a family that loves me and friends that actually care about me.

               “Hey, freak!” A voice shattered my dream

I opened one of my eyes and sighed. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and looked over to the voice. Aloysius was standing there, soccer ball under his arm with a ridicules smirk on his face.  His black hair swept over his green eyes. Old, ripped clothes clung to his muscular frame. They were obviously too small and had not been washed in a while. 

               “What, what do you want?” I yelled back while rolling my eyes.
               He was a natural leader. Older than me by a year, when he arrived here several years ago he took control. Everyone listened to him and the staff thought he was a little angel, I knew differently. Ever since the Collin incident he always made fun of me and called me names like witch, freak, demon. I didn’t really mind, I was used to it but Avery never liked it and it took all my will power to keep him calm.

               “Well, you’re an animal and animals should be kept in a cage. Don’t you think guys?” He looked over his shoulder to the group of children, who all nodded. Then he smiled wickedly back at me.

I smirk at him and stand up, feeling Avery getting agitated next to me.  I slowly walk over to the group, enjoying seeing some of them shuffle nervously and look at each other. I felt their fear through Avery and it made me feel good.
               As I walked over my eyes never left Aloysius’s. I stop, centimetres from Aloysius and crossed my arms. I can feel him getting frightened and nerves. I stare at him for a few minutes, noticing every little thing about him from the sweat rolling down the side of his face to the slight shaking of his left leg. 

               I tilt my head back and laugh suddenly, feeling him and many other children jump. Although he is a head taller than me and almost three times more muscular than me I wasn’t scared. I had Avery on my side. 

               “Oh and are you going to make me?” I quested. My eyebrow rose with a slight smirk on my face.    

               “Maybe I will” he alleged and goes to push me. He doesn’t get far before his leg is swept from under him. I laugh as he quickly scrabbles off the ground.

               “Come on Aloysius, you don’t want to do this with me. You don’t want to humiliate yourself in front of your little crowd.” I warned.

               He huffed at me, anger radiating off his body. All the children had made a circle around Aloysius and me, itching for the anticipated fight. We looked at each other, Aloysius’s face red from embarrassment and I still had a smirk on my face.

               “You’re not wanted here.” He spat “You’re freak. A weirdo, a witch. No one likes you and no one will ever want you. You should just die, make everyone’s life easier. I mean, I wonder why your family dumped you. They probably knew that there was something wrong with you. They didn’t love you; no one will ever love you.” 

               That hurt my like a physical blow, I staggered back. A whirlpool of emotions bubbled inside of me; I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to run and hide. Never coming out, just staying by myself but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think, and couldn’t breathe.  I felt Avery feeding off my emotions next to me, I felt him getting stronger and stronger but there was nothing I could do about it. I was frozen, hurt with the realisation that what he said was true. No one will ever want me, I am a freak. My own family didn’t want me.
               I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings; I didn’t notice Aloysius rushing towards me. I didn’t notice him whined his fist back, readying himself for the strike.  I did notice the pain when I struck me though. I was snapped out of my faze, blood pouring from my nose and the wind knocked out of me as I hit the dirt. I cursed and glared up at Aloysius.  I felt Avery itching to hurt him, to kill him but I held him back with all my will power. Before I could do anything I felt a sudden pain in my side as one of the other children start kicking me. Everyone joined in, I don’t know how long I spend in a pall being hurt but when I couldn’t take it anymore I let Avery lose.

               Don’t kill them, just get them off me. Get me out of here! I need you now Avery, I need you….   

I don’t remember what happened after that, my world turned black. I woke up on a forest floor, blood still stained my clothes. I sat up suddenly and felt pain gust through my body and I groaned.

               Could you help me out here please? I don’t really enjoy being in pain.  

I felt Avery get annoyed and make his way over to me. Hey, don’t even complain. You did not have to deal with stupid children.
               I felt my broken leg suddenly snap into place. Ouch! Okay, gosh. Thank-you for saving me from the evil children. Happy?               
               I felt Avery happily start healing me slowly now, mending my broken body.

               It took some time; I don’t know how long I was sitting in the dirt, leaning against a tree. Avery numbed me, I couldn’t feel anything. I just sat and thought, wondering what we were going to do next. After a while, the final scratch was healed.  I sighed happily and yawned.

               I’m going to have a nap. Makes sure I don’t get eaten by like a snake or lion or something. Wake me up in like 12 hours. Nighty night Avery. I felt him happily settle down next to me, alert. I smiled to myself and drifted into a dreamless sleep. 

               I never asked Avery how I got out because I didn’t care. We both agreed, from the forest we would look for my family and maybe find out what Avery is and how I got him. We knew it wouldn’t be easy but together, we could do anything.

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