Chapter 3 - Well, that was unexpected

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               Teleporting always makes me feel sick. It feels like you’re in a washing matching as well as being stretched and pulled, fist time Avery did it and I was conscious I threw up. Even though it only takes a few second, it is the most uncomfortable seconds of my life.   

               After my feet felt like they were on solid ground I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the dizziness to pass. As soon as my head started to feel lees cloudy I open my eyes and blink away the spots that appear in front of my eyes. I sigh happily and step over Felix’s unconscious body; I look around my little house I share with Avery.
               It was a little house that Avery and I made by hand, it was special to us. It was small, brown brick house with the dark blue, tiled roof. The inside was all one room.  It has a single bed in the corner under a winder, on top of the bed are two shelves with my favourite book; directly across from my bed is the little kitchen area with a small table I eat it and right in the middle of the house is the pole I tie people to when I torture them. I know it is not much but it has been my home for the last two years so I’m happy. 
               I hear a groan from behind me and I realize that Felix is starting to wake up. I quickly turn around and lift him off the floor. I put his arm around my shoulders, carrying half his weight. I drag his semi- unconscious body over to the pole where I tie him in place using cable ties. I smile to myself, proud of my work and start making myself some Grey Tea.   

                A few minutes later, I’m sitting at my table stirring my tea watching Felix wake up. He groans and moans a lot, it’s quite humorous and entertaining. His eyes flutter open and he takes his surroundings in, he is surprisingly calm considering the situation he is in. After looking around the room several times his eyes lock with mine and he slowly stands up.

               “I expected dungeons, chains and whips. Not a cosy little house with books and flowers” He says bitterly.      

               “Well, we can for fill your um…. Fantasies later, right now I have to make a call” I reply with a smile and a wink. “Now, do you mind getting your phone for me? I’m sure daddy wants to hear about how amazing your day is going so far.”

              “I can’t reach it; it is in my front pocket of my jeans. If you untie my hands I can grab it for you. Why do you want call my dad anyways?” He inquired.

               “Ah, that’s for me to know and you to find out.” I smirk “And as for your phone, I’ll gladly get it.”

               I place my tea down and leisurely rise off my chair, not breaking eye contact with him. I slowly walk over to him and I notice his cheeks flush red and I smirk. I feel Avery getting agitated next to me but he doesn’t do anything. I stop centimetres from Felix’s face and I feel his warm breath and I feel his blood beat faster. I place my hand on his chest and drag my hand down his torso, feeling every bump of his chiselled chest through his tee-shirt before I finally make it too his jeans.

               “Is that your phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” I giggle before I grab his phone.  I wink then I spin on my heels, walking back to my table. As I sit down I say to him “You have very interesting eyes by the way, very sparkly.”

               “Umm.… Thanks I guess.” He mumbles and looks away from me.

               I smile to myself again and look down to his phone. I press the lock button and put the code to get into his phone, and get into his contacts. I find his dads name very quickly and press call; I put it on loud speaker and slowly walk back over to Felix as the phones rings. His dad is quick and picks up after two rings.           

               “I told you not to call me, I will call you. What is it Felix?” A rough voice says from the phone.

               “Felix can’t come to the phone right not but if you leave a message I’ll get it to him as soon as I can” I say sweetly.

               “Who are you? What have you done with my son?” the voice said in a panicked tone.

               “Oh, you know who I am. I’ve been trying to find you for a long time. Your son is fine, he is right here. Say Hello Felix”

               “Dad! Don’t say anything! I -” Felix never got to finish.

               “Avery, shut him up.” I say and kindly as Felix is gagged him with something no one can see.

               “Now, you give me what I want and you can have your lovely little boy here back. But, if you don’t give me what I want, I’ll cut him up and send every little piece of him to your wife. Piece by piece by piece until there is nothing left of him.” I say into the phone, each word dripping with anger.

               There is silence for a few second, the only sound is Felix huffing, struggling to get free. “You want them? Come and get them. Do whatever you want to him, he knows nothing. In fact, he was bait. You feel right into my trap. What, do you think I would leave someone that close to me that easy to find? Please. I have been tracking your every movement since you arrived in Melbourne Ask your little friend Avery there to have a look outside; your house has bombs all around it. There is no where you can go where I can’t find you”

               “I was kind of hoping you would have done it my way but your way it is. I don’t know if you’ve notice but we can kind of teleport.” I say smugly.

               “Haha, try teleport. See how that goes for you” He replied with snicker.

               I felt Avery build up power and go to move but as soon as he went to, an electric wave shot through my body and I drop to the ground with a scream and I feel Avery almost disappear. I slid my hand over to the phone and place it to my ear.  “You bustard. You are willing to kill your own son instead of giving them to me? You’re a sad little man and I will kill you” I say through clenched teeth.   

               “He isn’t even my son and you can’t kill me if you’re dead. See you in hell, bitch.” The phone line went dead.

                I roll onto my back and look at the roof, groaning in pain. I look over to Felix, standing, staring at me in shock. I laugh and smile over at him “Quite a father you have their Felix, very loving”   

               “He is going to kill me… he is going to kill me a-a-and I’m not his son? What does that even mean! I am going to die, tied to a pole, with a crazy lady. I did not see that one coming” He says while dropping to the ground, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

               I slowly crawl over to him, dragging half my body and sit beside him. “We have about one minute until the house blows, any regrets?” I ask while looking up at him. 

               “Other than dying at the ripe age of 19? Yeah, plenty but nothing I can do about it now. How do you know we have less than a minute to live” He asked. 

               “Avery. The thing that made it looked like I was magic, he told me.” I say while I closed my eyes. “That electric shot took a lot out of me. Mind if I close my eyes?” I ask.

               “Go ahead. See you in hell” He whispered

               I grunted in response and listened to the steady breathing of Felix. I fall asleep to the rhythmic beating of his heart; I hardly noticed the explosion and the heat that engulfed my body. I feel Avery next to me, I feel him feeding off my emotion and I feel him become happy. Avery and I will finally be together, forever.            


Hey guyyyysssss, 

I know this is a really short chapter but school is killig me and i have a long chapter coming up :) I hope you like the cliff hangerr ;) 
Vote, comment, favorite and enjoy! 

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