Chapter 2 - Here we go

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               For four years I have been living on the street with Avery, this life isn’t easy. I have done things that I’m not proud of but there is not turning back now. I am a thief, a criminal, a murderer and I will find my family.

               I am sitting in the park; the sun was shining through the trees bathing me in warm, gold light. My wavy blond hair is out and midway down my back; my blue eyes are covered with a pair of black sunglasses. My black singlet is hugging my muscular body, my dark blue jeans fit my well – developed legs perfectly and my black combat boots conceal my knife I am always ready to use. And I have a simple blue cross carved out of stone on a black leather cord hanging around my neck.     
               I watch well-dressed business men and women hurry pass me, holding food and drinks, family enjoying the sun with their children. I smile as a little girl runs to her father and jumps on him. It reminds me of the life I could have had. Avery hits me in the ribs lightly.

               Hey, was that necessary? ------ Of course I was paying attention! ---------- Well, I was because if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have noticed our guy walk past like just then. --------- Yeah, who isn’t paying attention now? --------------------Ouch, geez, are you on your spirit period or something? ---------- Ouch!! Okay, gosh, let’s go.

               I wait for him to get ahead of me for a little bit before I get up to follow him. I jump up happily and casually blend into the city crowd. I follow our guy from a distance. I can just make out his short spiky black hair, white t-shit and the glare the sun makes as it bounces off the dog tags around his neck. He doesn’t look too much older than me but I need him, I need him as bait.
               I follow him out of the park in into the busy Melbourne Street, staying just behind him without looking suspicious.

               Avery. Could you be awesome and go see if there is an empty ally way or something up a head? I need to have a talk with our guy. I say to Avery while smirking to myself. 

               I feel Avery move up a head, right past our guy. He found the perfect place.
I move through the crowds and casually make my way next our guy. The lights to turn green and we stop. It gives me enough time to glance at him from behind my sun glasses.  He is handsome, very handsome. He has pale skin, a very defined jaw and is very muscular up close but nothing I couldn’t handle. He looks down at me and gives me and awkward half smile and I look into his brown eyes. I nod at him and walk across the street as the lights turn red.  We are awkwardly walking next to each other when I shove him into an ally way.  He does not have time to say anything before Avery has him pinned up against the wall.
               Avery held this guy up against the wall, pinned his hands by his sides and his legs together. His feet are dangling off the ground. I don’t know how Avery does it but I know he did it because I can see our guy squirming trying to get free.

               “Who are you? What have you done to me? Let me go! I’ll give you anything you want. Just let me go!” The guy grunted.

               “They always say the same thing, don’t they Avery? Who are you, what do you want, I’ll give you everything... blah blah blah. I don’t want to hurt you mate. I just want some information about your dad; your dad and I are old friends. We go way back. He knew me when I was just a kid.”

               “M-m-my dad?” he stammered. “But my dad is retired? What do you want with him?”

               “Let me worry about that. Now, your dad is a very difficult man to find. I was wondering if you could be a sweetheart and tell me where he is. I don’t really want to ruin that handsome face of yours but I will if I have too” I say with a sweet smile.

              He laughs loudly which almost made me jump then he spat on me “I’m not telling you anything. You’re an idiot, doing this is the middle of a city. The police are probably already on their way. You’re done for.” he snickered.

               I wipe the spit off my face and grunt. “Wait wait wait wait wait, let me get this straight. You are currently up on a wall with nothing holding you and you can’t move and no one has come to help you and you don’t see anything wrong with that? I don’t know if you have noticed but no one has even looked in here since we got here. If I can hold you up against a wall without touching you then I think I could take care of the issue of people seeing us and please-” I whip my knife out of my boot and pressed it to his throat “don’t spit on me again or I’ll slit your throat. Got it?”

               He glared at me and nodded slightly, trying not to cut himself on my knife.

               “Good boy, now. Where is your daddy?” I ask sweetly as I put my knife away.

               “You are going to have to kill me first” he said with a grunt.

               I laugh “Kill you? Kill you? Oh no, I won’t kill you. Where is the fun in that? I’ll torture you, take you to the edge where you’re about to die then I’ll heal you again”

               “H-h- heal me?” he stuttered.

               “Yes, heal you, makes everything much more fun for me.” I smile

               “What are you? “ He gapped

               “Well, I’m 98% sure I’m a human but who knows? Anyways, the point is, you should tell me where your dad is so I can have a chat with him. He has something of mine and I would really like it back.”

               “Well, you and me both. I don’t know where he is. I haven’t spoken to him in a while” He says.

               I take a deep breath and roll my eyes. “By a while do you mean this morning? Please, I have been following you for a long time. I know more about you then you know yourself but your dad covers his tracks. You are my best option” 

               “Well, I’m not going to tell you. Torture me all you like but I’ll never say.” He replied stubbornly.

               I sigh again. “Well, I guess I’ll get it out of you later. But, for now, what’s your name?”

               “I thought you knew me better then I knew me” He mocked

               “Geez, I was just trying to be nice Felix.  Anyways, I’ll talk to you in a bit” I smile.

              “Wait, where are you –“He didn’t finished before my boot hit him in the face. He was out cold.

               Come on Avery; let’s take Felix here somewhere a bit more permanent and privet. And for goodness sake, make sure we don’t end up in the middle of a wall like last time.

               Then, in a blink of an eye, we were gone without a trace. 

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