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It was only the morning of  second day and everything felt like it was already falling into the incessant routine that never failed to take over. I couldn't help but think of the song Boring by The Brobecks because that's what life has always been for me.


I got out of bed and began to get ready.

Everything is boring...

"Bye Mom. I'm going to school."

Everyday's the same...

"Sebastian! Can you believe we're juniors? OMG! Two more years! "

Everyday's exactly the same....

"Good Morning Class! Welcome to PreCalc! "


"O M G! Did you see what Tracey is wearing today? like who let her out of the house looking like that?!?"

All of us are bored...

"This is AP Literature. You will not be babied. If that's what you're looking for, go to English III"

Everyday's exactly the same...

"Welcome to Chemistry !"

Exactly the same as before...

"Ummm....Sebastian! What are my only rules for this class?" Mr.Marshall or Travis as I liked to call him, my totally adorbs chem teacher asked. Fuck! I hadn't been paying attention. I had zoned out into my random thoughts. Little did I know then that the axis my life had been previously turning on was going to be completely thrown off it's hinges within the next few seconds. "Umm the rules are..." The classroom door swung open and I was beyond grateful for the interruption. My head slumped against my desk as I sighed in relief.

"Apparently, we'll have a new student joining our class this year." My head shot up intrigued by this twist in my day. I looked over at newbie. Omfgdyhb. he was gorgeous. He stood awkwardly, a faint blush against his cheeks, while Travis introduced him to the class. He had smooth olive skin with beautiful emerald green eyes that sparkled as he looked anywhere but at the class. He looked about 6 foot and had a handsome, masculine face. His strong jaw contrasted against his soft looking pink lips that had a single metal silver loop around it. He swirled it with his tongue as he waited for Travis to finish up (not that I was staring or anything). He had gorgeous black hair that was short on the sides but longer in the middle that rested right on his eyebrow. he looked so familiar. I'm sure I'd seen someone who looked like him before and then it hit me . Andy Mother trucking Biersack! My innerfangirl fainted. Omg. This was too much to take in.

"So Yea. Class, this is Aris. Welcome him graciously to our class." Travis finally summed up. "Aris, you can sit in the empty desk towards the back." He quickly walked down the aisle and occupied the seat next to me, half waving at me. "Nice shirt" he said and flashed the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. My cock twitched. I looked down at my shirt and almost shit myself. I had completely forgotten I'd worn my black 'Killjoys Make Some Noise' shirt.

"OMG! You like My Chemical Romance?" I whisper-yelled, flailing my arms just a little bit.

"Yea! They're kinda awesome! " he chuckled.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! What about the rest of the Trinity?"

"You mean Fall Out Boy and Panic? Oh Course dude! They're the shit!"

"Fuck! Am I awake? OMG! Are you fucking real?" a blush rose to my cheeks as I realized I'd been speaking every thought that came to my head and just fangirled in front of possibly the hottest guy to walk into our school. He chuckled, looking thoroughly amused at me.

"Sebastian! Aris! if you pay as much attention in this class as you are to each other right now then you'll ace this class" Travis scolded. The heat stung harshly on my face and I quickly turned back to face the front of the class, head slightly hung hoping the bell would hurry and ring so this uneasy, embarrassed feeling would pass.


-wiggles eyebrows-

so what'd ya think ?

again I don't own the song or the bands.


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