Chapter Twenty-One

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Twenty One


"Hi," Nessie called as she walked into the bar, a happy smile on her face.

"Heya," Rose called back, wiping down a table. A child had decided that he wanted to play with the salt pot and consequently had spilt it everywhere.

Esme came out of the back with Ethan in her arms, when he saw Nessie he let out a delighted squeal causing both Esme and Nessie to laugh.

"Who's that?" Esme asked, bringing the small child to the young vampire.

Nessie smiled as she gave Ethan a timid wave and he waved his hands back enthusiastically, the plastic keys encased in his fist making a loud noise.

"It's nice to meet you formally," Esme told the younger woman and Nessie smiled.

"You too." Nessie reached and gently stroked Ethan's cheek causing him to giggle and gently grab Nessie's finger with his hand.

"I've got work," she told him softly, pulling her finger out of his grasp and lightly touching her finger to his nose. Ethan giggled once more as Nessie went into Jake's office to put her bag and coat down.

Jake was serving a customer at the bar, but as Nessie walked past his eyes drifted to her and the corners of his mouth began to turn upwards into a smile. Nessie saw Jake looking at her, and despite her best efforts, a blush bloomed on her face and her mouth formed a small smile.

Rose shook her head at them. They were actually quite adorable.

The blonde waitress headed back to the bar and tossed her rag onto the side before she flopped down on a chair. Things were starting to slow down and Rose was getting tired. She covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath.

"What wrong Rosie - things getting boring without me?" Rose felt herself wake up immediately, her heart speed up and her annoyance levels increase.

She pulled her hands from her face only to find Emmett leant against the bar, smirking at her, showing off those sexy little dimples he had.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked, crossing her arms over chest and trying to ignore the way Emmett blatantly began staring at her.

"We need to talk," the large man confessed. "Seems you've been having dreams about me."

"Not dreams - just a single dream. And it was your blood that caused it, nothing more." Rose hoped she was convincing, but the way Emmett was looking at her, she highly doubted it.

"You shouldn't lie, Rose - it could get you in trouble," Emmett murmured darkly.

"Jake - can you kick someone out for me?" Rose asked, her eyes never leaving Emmett. Jake looked over and looked between the two of them.

"Why?" He asked suspiciously - although he already knew the answer; Emmett had gotten under Rose's skin and she didn't like it.

"A customer's annoying me," she told Jake, again her eyes never leaving Emmett. He was now wearing a smirk on his face - he found her telling on him highly entertaining.

"Give him a free drink then," Jake responded cheekily. "Saves me the job of having to irritate you." Rose's mouth dropped open as Emmett let out a booming laugh.

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