Chapter Twenty-Six

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Twenty Six

Boise, Idaho

The next morning, Aro's houseguests found themselves being awoken early and told to assemble downstairs. As they all traipsed down the stairs, Edward gently took ahold of Bella's hand, his cool fingers curling around hers as he gave her a soft smile.

At the bottom of the stairs, Aro was waiting with Sulpicia, Tanya and Zane; the werewolf Edward had assaulted on his first night here.

When all of the houseguests stood in front of Aro he finally decided to reveal his big 'announcement'.

"Unfortunately, I am going to be away for the day," he began. "I have some business to deal with and it can't wait any longer." Aro could already see plans beginning to form. "Because of this, you will all be confined to your rooms – I don't want you getting any ideas."

Sulpicia gazed at her husband. She wanted him to leave already.

"Isabella and Rosalie, food will be brought to your throughout the day – make sure you eat it all. As for the rest of you, I have a room set up where you can rest for the day. The door is made of silver so if you try to leave, you will just injure yourselves. And don't forget, there will be some weres patrolling the property."

After his announcement, Rose and Bella were led back up the stairs by a day servant where they were taken back to their room and locked in. Edward, Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle were taken to a separate room just down the hall, and as Aro had told them it did have a silver door on it. The poor girl looked sad as she shut them in, her eyes downcast.

Once Aro was happy that his guests were appropriately contained, he turned to his wife, Tanya and Zane. "You shouldn't have any problems today my love," he told Sulpicia, his hands gently reaching out to touch her.

"I know I won't – now you need to get going. The pack won't like to be kept waiting." She chided, leading him to the door.

Aro snorted. "I command the pack – they'll do as I say".

Zane felt anger rise within him – their pack leader should never have agreed to let Aro take control of the pack, and all because he was a V junkie. Aro had led to the pack down a road not many of them wanted... well they didn't want it when they weren't high on V.

Aro kissed his wife a gently goodbye before he turned to Tanya. "If you harm Isabella or Rosalie in any way, I will tie you in silver and leave you out to face the sun." Instead of waiting for a response, he knocked on the front door, letting the weres who would be going with him that he was ready.

Four of them entered, carrying between them a large coffin. They placed it on the floor and one of them opened the lid for Aro to climb in. It was lined with a soft red material (blood blended in better that way) and a small speaker built into the side. Aro used it to communicate with the weres when travelling, as well as listening to his audiobooks and podcasts – he liked to be entertained on journeys.

Aro climbed in and laid himself down, linking his own fingers together over his stomach.

"Travel safe," Sulpicia told him as the weres shut the lid and carried him outside, the coffin protecting him from the rising sun.

Sulpicia, Tanya and Zane stood in silence as they watched the van carrying Aro leave the driveway. Once it was out of sight, Sulpicia turned to Zane and nodded her head. He had some things to prepare. Zane disappeared down the hallway.

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