The Mission

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"The mission is quite simple. An abandoned Warehouse in New Forest, Southern England is hosting a den of drug lords, along with millions of pounds worth of marijuana and cocaine. In a few days, there will be a large meeting between the main members and sponsors of this drug ring. We have identified from hidden cameras the identity of one of the leading members, a Swedish man called Filip Andersson. Our plan is to take him out, possibly some of the others as well." At this point Mrs Jones glanced back at Viper. He could instantly tell that while Filip may be the official target, they were just trying to eliminate as many leaders as possible.

Eagle sat up in his chair and said, "So basically we're being asked to assassinate one or more drug lords, responsible for importing thousands of shipments of drugs into the UK and around the world?" He looked as if, for once, the people who will suffer actually deserve it, and relieved, as normally in the Middle east wars, casualties are innocent civilians or fighters blackmailed into their jobs. Mrs Jones cleared her throat almost suspiciously, glancing momentarily at her glossy black high heels, completely unsuitable for the mud, and an obvious indication that she wasn't going to stay long after the meeting.

"Well, yes. Its possible that the organisation is responsible for up to 60% of the drug trade in Europe. And, as the sniper of the unit, we have decided that Viper will be the one to actually assassinate Mr Andersson. K-Unit will still be required to be in the field as back up, and to keep radio contact with both the base command and Viper." Eagles head fell down slightly at the idea he wouldn't be the one to kill the drug lords. All other participants in the mission nodded in agreement, it was undisputed that Viper was, by far, the best sniper on camp, beating even the instructor. Jones continued, "The day after tomorrow, a helicopter will arrive at camp at approximately 1900, and take you under cover of darkness to a location five miles from the warehouse. We suggest you make camp a few miles from the warehouse to avoid being spotted by guards. The meeting will be the day after you are dropped, and intel suggests it will be at about 1630, and should end by 2200. Take whatever you need to complete the mission, a helicopter will be at the dropping location at midnight. Any questions?" Everyone seemed content with the mission briefing, they would read more about it in the mission files later that night.

The Sergeant finally spoke up, "Soldiers, you are dismissed, Viper, stay behind, Mrs Jones wishes to speak to you separately. " He tilted his head towards the door, just hard enough that it was clear jones wanted absolute privacy, they could wait outside or back at the bunks. As they filed out, the Sergeant followed and shut the door behind, leaving the room in deafening silence.

"So, what is this about? and don't tell me the goal is actually to kill off as many people as possible, I already guessed that." Alex stood up from the soft, black leather chair, having enjoyed the comfy seat while he could. Most chairs in the mess hall and bunks were cheap plastic, like the ones you'd expect at a school.

"Yes, it would be helpful if there were multiple casualties; all criminals, not civilians, of course, just because the more of the sponsors that are dead, the less trouble this organisation will be. But that wasn't why I wanted to speak with you separately." There was a hint of worry in Mrs Jones voice, and she spoke softly towards the end of her sentence, suggesting she was hiding something. Alex tilted his head in a questioning way, and she continued. "Recently we have had some hitches in our system, and our firewalls have been accessed multiple times, suggesting-"

Alex quickly finished her sentence, "-there is a mole in MI6. Of course. I thought you knew about the moles? The ones you kept in the system to satisfy gangs, but kept tabs on?" This time Alex was genuinely confused, and worried. There were moles in every agency, most of them were known about, and from different countries or agencies. These were fed only fake or irrelevant information, to stop more moles being sent in.

"Yes, well this one is new, we don't know the name of the mole yet, or which country or cell they are reporting too. And yes, this is relevant to the mission." Jones smoothed out her red dress, fixing a crease in the fabric, and adjusting her handbag. "As we do not know where the information the mole is gathering is being sent, I suggest you are extremely careful in your mission, watch out for abnormal amounts of security, and keep a safe distance. Look after yourself Alex, don't get kidnapped again, please." Wow. It must be serious information this mole is accessing, because Jones looked seriously worried and caring, a trait unique to this specific head of MI6,  for all who sat in her chair before her were strangely devoid of all emotion, caring only for the security of their job and 'safety' of their country. Because blackmailing a child into espionage isn't jeopardising the 'safety' of the UK. 

"Do I need to remind you not to repeat this to anyone else, you're not supposed to know anyway, its a highly classified threat, and if our enemies knew, they could take advantage of it and buy the information." Mrs Jones knew, of course, that Alex wouldn't tell anyone, and if he did, only trustworthy people, and for Alex to trust someone, they needed to be a really, really, really good person. Alex wasn't the trusting type.

A few minutes later found him outside in, guess what, the pouring rain. He trudged back to the barracks on the other side of camp, clutching five copies of the mission briefing, and a thin file of what MI6 had on the mole so far, for him to review, and maybe contribute to.

The puddles dotted sparsely around the well-worn path were constantly rippling, sending waves into the sides and slowly extending the grasp of the restless water. The trees weren't enjoying the downpour either, groaning in the wind, and shaking their leaves as if they were trying to displace the icy water. Finally the cabin came into view, standing alone in a clearing, dim light shining under the door, and streams of water trickling down the roof. Alex darted under the front shelter, knocking on the door hastily. Minutes later, he repeated the knock and soon the door was opened to a shivering, soaked Viper with an unpleasant expression dripping down his face. "Oops! Sorry Viper, we were playing poker and I don't hear you because I won a game and then Fox said I was cheating but I...." He trailed off, mumbling uselessly into his collar about Fox and Wolf being ridiculous.

"Eagle, shut up please! And let me in!" Alex was more than annoyed, he was livid. Eagle soon opened the door wider and let Alex come in and dump the files on his bunk, hiding the copy of The Mole file under his pillow for later. he hanged his shirt, took of his shoes and socks, and sat down to play (and undoubtedly win by dubious methods) a new game of Poker. Five games later and about £50 richer, Viper went to bed, prepared to explain to whatever poor unit was to replace them, exactly who to look out for, namely Andrew. The last thought on Vipers mind before he slipped into blissful sleep was whether or not the unit would try to kill them before they left.

--Authors Note-----Authors Note-----Authors Note--

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognise from the Alex ride series, it all belongs to Anthony Horowitz

Hello! Im back! I honestly am so sorry its been like 6 months since my last update, I maybe forgot the plot...and  I literally sat at my desk for an hour and a half straight, doing 'English Revision' to bring you this, and Im sorry for the crazy amount of dialogue, it was going to be shorter with a different POV at the end, but that'll go in the next chapter. I have exams for two weeks straight in May, nothing huge but I need to ace them to get another language, so I have to revise a LOT. Whenever I have english revision on my timetable for revision, I will try and write more for one of my ongoing or unpublished stories. If you spot any mistakes in grammar or anything, please please point it out! Its so annoying to re-read my story and see loads of mistakes that I never saw. Anyway, I have written down the plot for this AGAIN, and took pictures of it, and used an online notead, open in two tabs, wrote down the password and everything, so hopefully I wont forget again!

Some questions:

-How do you think the mission will go? or how they plan to assasinate the sponsors?poison, explosives, or bullets?

-What do you think of the mole? I will incorperate it into other chapters, so tell me what you think will happen ;-)

Original Date of Publishing: 19 April 2018

Word count: 1207 excluding Authors Note

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