The Other Side of the Story

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POV of Filip Andersson:

The room was dimly lit, and the few, sparse lights were focused entirely on the glass office table, and the man sitting at the head of it. He was wearing a black suit, with a matching black and grey tie, and brown leather shoes. He was flanked by two burly security guards, standing just behind his chair, constantly scanning the room and all twelve other occupants for a threat. He cleared his throat and signalled for the other businessmen to sit down, then placed his hands on the table, interlacing his fingers in a calm and welcoming way. The other men sat down, and Filip followed them, carefully sitting in his allocated leather chair, the same colour as the suit of the man leading them meeting. The Man finally spoke, his rough voice echoing slightly in the silent room. "Hello and welcome, I know several of you have travelled from countries far away to get here, and I apologise for moving the meeting forward, but we have another urgent matter to attend to, more important than the original purpose of this meeting." This drew some confused looks from the men gathered around the table, and some started whispering quietly to their colleagues.

Finally one of the businessmen asked the question everyone had wanted asking, "Mr Charman, does this relate to our previous assignment, Project 118?" This was the first time Filip had heard the Bosses name, as Filip was only introduced to this sector of the organisation a few weeks ago.  Everyone turned to face 'Mr Charman', a mixture of worry and excitement plastered on their faces. Filip had done his homework, so he knew most of the details of Project 118. The organisation had launched it a few months back, but only 3 weeks ago they had been successful in their attempts. Project 118 was entirely focused on infiltrating intelligence agencies, mainly the large-scale, international ones like the CIA, DGSE, Mossad, and MI6. They had agents all over the world applying for jobs at the agencies, and if a handful of them were chosen, inconsistencies in their background generally had them disqualified, and they couldn't be hired.

"Yes, it is. As you now, we have been flooding these agencies with applications, and, finally, we have successfully planted an agent inside of an agency. We have an agent inside System A12, who has not yet been discovered." He looked proud of this, and pleased to be able to inform his partners. Filip knew from his reading that the particular 'system' they were referencing was none other than MI6, one of the largest anti-terrorism focused agencies in the world, and one of the companies major threats. The new information available would put them ahead by miles, probably tripling their profits. Filip continued to work out the maths in his head as Mr Charman continued his explanation. "The agent, who we shall call Mr X, as I cannot trust that there are no bugs in this room, has been sending us information for the last few days. That is why I called you here. yesterday morning, we received a report, and a file, stolen from the office of one of the superior officers, and it appears our meeting was discovered. None of my staff have revealed this information, so we have to assume they have accessed our phones and computers, which I am currenlty having cleared of spyware. They have no knowledge of this meeting." Mr Charmans dark eyes glinted from behind his silver framed glasses, hiding the wrinkles and bags under his eyes only slightly. He had obviously been worried about the agent, or the new information.

Another man, in his twenties and wearing a dark blue designer suit spoke up, "Is this location secure? How do we know the information wasn't planted? are you sure the agent hasn't been discovered?" He stared right into Mr Charmans eyes, and a few seconds later redirected his gaze to the table, waiting for a reply to his sudden outburst.

"This warehouse, although it is now a known hideout, is currently being transferred to a new location, in the mountains of France, but while that transaction is ongoing, all sensitive material has been moved to a bunker several miles north of here. The information my agent recieved is trustworthy, be assured. He was one of the leading intelligence agents here for several years, and has previous experience in the DGSE. Our agent is keeping tabs on all talk of moles and leaked information, and the agency knows there is a mole, but they have yet to find out who."

He allowed the room to fill with chatter before silencing everyone with a hand motion. "We can expect an assasination attempt on all of us here, in two days time, during the original meeting time. Then, we will catch the agents and, eventually, kill them. For this to work, we need to appear that everything is going as planned, so i will have a truck take two of you at a time, dressed as guards, to the nearest towns, and you will make your way here at the correct time later this week for the scheduled meeting. I am currently transferring guards from around the country to this location, and we will be in the basement while the agents are caught. Our full plan is ready, we just need you to agree and follow the plan to a fault." He slowly looked around the room, staring at every members face, studying their emotions before waiting patiently for an answer.

This time Filip spoke up, for the first time since he had entered the meeting room, and with a slightly spooked voice, said "Okay, as long as we can flush out these agents and we will all be safe during the action, I'm willing to follow you" He fixed his suit buttons and straightened his collar, putting on a brave face for the group.  Mr Charman faintly smiled, and turned to look around the room, analysing everyone with piercing eyes.

Last time Filip had followed a plan to escape an ambush, with another organisation, the entire campaign was destroyed and Filip very nearly arrested. He had reason to be terrified. Back in Switzerland, when Filip was a teenager, he had only heard tales about the drug gangs and criminals dominating the European black market. Only a few years later, when he was 22, did he actually become involved in the business. He started doing (or rather faking) paperwork, and eventually became one of the best drug salesmen in the world, advising leaders on where, when and how to best promote their product, or which company and paperwork was easiest to fool in order to sneak products over borders. Basically, he covered the law and logistics side of Drugs, appearing to most like a boring accountant, and though the work was similar, it was much, much more illegal.

Quickly the other members agreed, and the plan was set in motion. Later that evening, MI6 satellites saw a truck of guards, carrying guns and equipment, patrol through the surrounding forest, coming dangerously close to heavily populated areas (and the alert button on the surveillance officers desk), before stopping for a rest, then continuing back to the base. This happened every two hours, with the guards randomly changing direction. Officers simply passed it off as external surveillance, understandable if there was a large meeting planned for only a few days time. The trucks stopped at about 3am, and the officer made a note of the locations of the stops, sending the units a note, reminding them to stay away from possible cameras, microphones or other bugs in the surrounding area.

A few hours after the meeting, all twelve members of the board were safely accommodated in different hotels, spread throughout the town, and all booked under fake names. For now, the businessmen could rest easy, but they knew in a few days, they're lives would be at stake once again.

At the same moment in time, K Unit were finally settling into bed, exhausted and still processing their mission, all asleep. Except Alex. He couldn't stop thinking about the mission- or rather assassination- he would be carrying out. The constant image in his mind was unpleasant to say the least. The sound of a suppressed sniper, ringing in his ears, the feel of the wind rushing past his face, the thump as a bullet lodged itself soundly in his chest, and finally, the sharp and everlasting pain tearing through his body, his heart screaming at the intruder, frozen in place, unable to do anything but wait the pain out. Finally, after agonising minutes, he awoke from the nightmare, soaked in sweat, his old wound aching with fresh pain, and enough adrenaline to keep him awake all night. So he settled down again and waited for sleep to finally take him once more.


ummm.... hi? Sorry for the MONTHS it took for me to update, I keep thinking I've already written a chapter, but I actually haven't, and I've been swamped with homework again. I'm really going to try and keep writing, whenever I remember, and I will attempt to develop this plot more. Thanks so much to everyone who commented on this book, every single one has helped me to keep writing and coming back to the book, it really helps keep me motivated! I won't bother with questions, I just want to say thanks to everyone, and please comment your thoughts and ideas (and any grammar mistakes) and vote if you enjoyed! Thanks!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognise from the Alex rider series, it all belongs to Anthony Horowitz
Date published: Saturday 14th October 2018
Word count (without A/N) : 1287

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