Rules are made to be followed

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0500 came far to early for the exhausted recruits as they dragged themselves out of bed, still bleary eyed from the small amount of sleep they had gotten. K and D Unit had been up late talking and laughing, keeping the recruits awake most of the night. Most of the recruits thought that maybe because the soldiers had been up so long, they'd be exhausted too. Alas, destiny was frowning at the recruits as they rubbed at their eyes, futilely trying to awaken themselves.

"Wakey wakey! Your late! It's already three minutes past five!" Eagle stomped into the barracks, banging a wooden spoon onto a cooking pot, smirking at the annoyed expressions on  nearly everyone's face.

Just as Eagle had finished walking up and down between the town of beds, the door was thrown open by an amused Wolf, who held the door open for a slightly elderly woman, who, with her slight weight problem, looked completely out of place in a camp full of male, physically strong and sometimes a bit on the dumb side, soldiers.

She stomped in, grabbed the kitchen utensils, keeping her face in a flustered manner. She turned back towards the door, utensils in hand and facing away from a shocked Eagle, before hesitating and turning back. She held the lan and spoon in one hand and with the other slapped Eagle in the face, leaving him shocked and very red-faced.

Even Wolf, who was still holding the wooden door open, had his mouth hanging open, a slight smirk starting to appear at the corners of his mouth. The whole cabin was silent for a moment before a recruit at the back of the barrack started to chuckle, soon joined by most of the barrack as they laughed at Eagles ridiculous expression.

Everyone was still smiling from the quick outburst when from behind the door next to Wolf, appeared Viper. He muttered something Indecipherable at Wolf, who smiled and nodded before turning to face the large group. He patted Eagle on the back, pushing him towards the door and Fox, who had appeared with Alex.

"I hope your all ready because the girls beat you outside! Hurry up! We don't tolerate tardiness in the military, it costs lives! Get outside now!" Viper was very closely imitating the sergeant, though it was unclear wether or not it was deliberate.

The recruits scurried out the cabin, forming a crowd beside the girls, who were already arranged in rows, standing to attention.

One glare from Wolf (with assistance from Viper and Fox) was all it took for the spies to hurriedly re-group and form a neat block, though not quite as neat as the girls.

Around an hour later, the group arrived at the mess hall slightly earlier than the day before, but still late. K Unit sat and discussed the days activities, mainly consisting of medical training and physical activities, designed to test and improve recruits speed, strength and endurance to ensure they pass selection.

The rest of the day went by fairly smoothly, Viper and Hyena were evaluating half their group of recruits in their running and sprinting skills, doing several hundred suicide runs, trying to week out the weaker recruits. Overall, the first half of group two seemed to be doing fairly well.

Eagle and Bear were down at the lake with the other half of group two, testing their swimming skills, including 5 laps of the lake, diving tests and underwater endurance. The swimming section of training was commonly called the hardest because of how physical swimming is, and that part of the final stage of the tests include several midnight swims and swimming with full uniform.

While group two was having so much fun, group one was focusing on medicine, having Snake lead the lesson while the other three basically just made sure they were all paying attention, because apart from the mandatory field medic training all soldiers have, they had no medical experience.

Occasionally being used as a test dummy, Fox was getting bored, and started to try and quiz people sitting at the back, double checking they were listening.

After half an hour of 'And now I will show you three different ways to make a tourniquet, the first one...' Wilf also started to get bored, so decided to have a Rock Paper Scissors match against Fox, pass the time.

Ten minutes later and both soldiers were even, so they decided to up the bet. "Ten pounds to whoever gets to twenty first, starting again from zero," Wolf certainly hoped he'd win, he'd left his money at his flat in London.

Lunch time came and passed, and the lessons switched, so Viper had Bears assistance teaching Medicine, while Wolf thoroughly enjoyed torturing the recruits in their swimming evaluations, working them to death.

Only one problem arose the entire day, much to everyone's surprise. One recruit by the name of Jake Lloyds had blatantly refused to do another lap in swimming, after only doing four. No matter how much Wolf threatened, Jake wouldn't back down, so Snake made him sit next to the lake, not allowed to put his t-shirt back on after swimming, freezing until everyone else had finished.

When the two groups met back up for dinner, Wolf led Jake to Viper, explaining the situation to him under his breath. Viper called Lloyds over and led him away from the staring group, inside the sergeants barracks. The conversation wasn't pretty. It consisted of a whole lot of shouting, a whimpered reply, another lot of shouting, a slightly more confident reply, a 'What was that soldier?' And a slightly shaky 'It won't happen again Sir!'.

All in all, the day was reasonably successful. Jake Lloyds had spread the word about how he had received kitchen duty for a week, and his own version of the conversation that had happened on the sergeants office. Vipers version of this discussion was, of course, very different. Viper described it with a lot less shouting and a bit more sympathy for the freezing recruit.

Despite how much Alex protested, it was decided that Jakes description of the conversation was probably more accurate, as everyone knew what Viper was like when he was angry.

"Well, that was certainly fun," Viper flopped back onto the Units bench, glaring back at the table Jake sat at, who quickly turned away when he realised he had been caught staring at Viper. "Tomorrow's another day," another deep sigh, followed by seven grunts of agreement from the rest of the table.

---Authors Note----Authors Note----Authors Note---

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognise from the Alex Rider series, it all belongs to Anthony Horowitz!

Hello! I hope your all happy with the update, I was going to write it in sections of about 200 words a night but on the first night I kinda wrote the whole chapter! Lucky people! Life is a bit crazy at the moment, mainly because i thought i had three weeks to practice for my school cross country, but I only have a week! anyway, I will start writing the next chapter tonight, and it should be out by next weekend, earlier if I can't wait any longer to update!

• Did you like the chapter? are there any grammar/plot improvements I can make?

•What do you think of Jake Lloyds? I'm going to try and include more of the recruits in the next few chapters!

•Have you read my other book 'Becoming An Agent' yet? I couldn't think of another question and it only has like 48 views!

As always, vote, comment and share this! sharing and recommending is the only way be people will discover it!

Date published: 07 October 2017

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