Chapter 9

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I don't know what did Mike feel but I felt like having a beautiful dream. His warm arm around me and the kiss that felt more than a dream to me. I opened my eyes to confirm my situation.

Then maybe Mike finally realized what actually was going on, he suddenly pushed me and sat on the bed that made me fall on the floor. Looking down at me on ground, he blushed hard and thinking of what I did to him, I blushed too.

Once our eyes got in contact, the time stopped. My green eyes and his hazel one, these were meant to look at each other. At the same time, I wanted to get him in my arms and do everything that I have been longing for. I wanted to bite his still-wet lips, and his irresistible neck-line that calls for my touch. With that all in my mind, I looked at his neck once that was revealed by his loose t-shirt hanging on the side, and then again in his hazel eyes. Maybe because he read my pervy thoughts, he blushed even harder which made him look almost like a red apple.

"Mike..." I almost wishpered moving toward him, my eyes never leaving his. My hands touched his and he closed his eyes, I then moved more close to him... our face inches apart.

"Get ready Mike, our parents must be waiting." I said in his ears. He suddenly opened his eyes as if expecting something else to come.

I didn't do this to make him feel awkward but I want him to accept this thing first. I know that he is still not sure what he actually wants and therefore I don't want to do something that I will be regretting later.

Then getting away from him, "I will be waiting downstairs." I turned around only to hear him leave a long breath as if he was holding that for a long time. And with that my face had a huge grin.

I was just sitting there on the couch of his living room when the telephone started to ring. I waited for a while hoping that Mike will come to pick it up but then I ownself got it.

"Hey mom!! Did you forget that you had to pick me up today!? I have been waiting here for half an hour already!!!" A girl shouted almost making me scold her but then I thought of Mike's sister, ...what was her name... Melissa. Yeah.

"Umm... Melissa right?"

"Yes! And may I ask whom am I speaking to!?" Is this what she calls 'speaking'? me that's more like yelling!!

"I am Jayden, Mike's friend. Actually your parents are having breakfast at my home and I came to get Mike there. He was getting ready so I-"

"Stop the explanations! I am not interested in that!! Just remind my mom that she has a daughter!!" She yelled again and cut the call.

'She is different than Mike' is what came to my mind in the first place. Actually it's common to have siblings different in personality and character but she...

"Hey who was that?" Mike said getting down from the stairs. He wore a light green t-shirt with dark blue jeans. He looked just fresh,and cool,and beautiful ^^

"Den! Did you hear me?" He said again to get me back at earth. I know I have fallen badly for him.

"Y.. yeah. That was your sister. She is waiting for your mom to pick her up." As soon as I mentioned his 'sister', his expression changed to the horrified one, like he is going to get killed by her.

"Oh shit!! She is gonna kill us!" He said (actually yelled) and ran towards my home. I tried to call him and ran after him.

Reaching there, it seemed that her mom had realised that a bit earlier and had already left.

One hour later...

"Hurry up mom! How can you be so slow!?" The door banged open and a girl came in with blonde hair, wearing jeans shorts with a loose white colour t-shirt, that barely covered her shoulder.

Her father, Mr. Sheldon, almost jumped up from the couch he was sitting on and hugged his daughter. They hugged like they were best friends rather than father and daughter.

He did that so fast I couldn't hardly get what was going on. After some milliseconds, they were all hugging in and jumping as they just won a football match. It would still have been fine had they not shouted...'We are Sheldon Sharks'

I glanced over at my mother and her expression was not helping in any way so I broke in a loud laughter. This made everyone to stop and look at me rather awkwardly.

I tried controlling it but then seeing their amused faces, I just couldn't. Well I actually felt thankful when Sheldons joined me in the laughter and next thing I knew, we all were wiping our tears of laughter.

"Okay okay...let's get it down." Mr. Sheldon spoke and finally stopped the never ending laughter. This family is fun. "Let's start with introducing my daughter...Mel–"

"" Melissa literally shouted. I don't understand this girl. Can't she speak human-like!?

"What happened?"

"Dad, I will introduce me, myself." She said with a grin.

"Okay" He said as if surrendering himself. This is funny. Actually I want to laugh again but that would be awkward, isn't it?

"Well... Hello everyone. I am Melissa Sheldon, daughter of Anna and George Sheldon. I am currently staying out of the country with my uncle so you guys might not see me frequently here. And I guess that's it." She smiled at last.

Mr.Sheldon clapped followed by everyone. I didn't understand why they did that. I mean that was a normal intro. Nothing special, deserving a clap. Anyways that seems awkward when it's just you who is not clapping. This family is funny.

My father came as soon as we settled on dining table for breakfast. He freshened up in a while and joined us.

Our parents gossiped over everything I could think of. You know, it's kinda irritating when you are sitting around the table where the gossips are not even interesting.

Then Melissa started to talk to me, it's good that she didn't shout.

"How did you manage to talk to my brother?" She asked curiously.

This made me to smile."By following him all the way to his house." I said smirking at Mike, who was giving me a death glare.

"That's something. Do you like him?" This made me to snap out of my thoughts and look at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. What if she is homophobic?

"Well, I just asked if you like him? As a friend?"

"Y..yeah. I like him... very much." I said looking at Mike.

"What about you bro?"

"I think... I like him too." Mike said looking at me with the warmest expression, he had ever given to me.

My heart fluttered.

Well well have you guys been??

The chapter that I had previously written got deleted...i don't know how 😒😔
Anyways I wrote it again. Enjoy it.

And please comment if you have anything to ask or give any suggestions... I am open for that 😁

With love Nigus 😘💕💞💝

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