Chapter 12 part 1

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I know I took long enough for this chapter....But here it is. Finally clearing the confusions😉😊

Won't mind a passionate scene right?😂😍 In case you mind it, I can't help it😂😂


"Jayden! Stop it!!" I said but he didn't even seem to notice that. Why is he behaving like this!!

It was actually Melissa's idea to go clubbing. I am not fond of such stuff in the first place. They always kinda made me....awkward and scared. But that is who I am, an introvert. But my sister, well she is not!

She is a very cheerful person, she has always been so. I won't lie that I don't envy her sometimes. But it's just our personality I guess.

I don't know how did she convince our parents for this, I won't be surprised if she had even lied about it. But then, in a crowd of mad people, banging their heads as per the music beats, the environment was cool..., too cool for my liking. I would instead go to a library and find some new books to study. That's next to impossible when your mad sibling is with you.

Melissa, she looks great today. She is wearing a tight black jeans and a t-shirt, having a low cut that barely covers her cleavage. She looks stunning with those high heels and hair left in wavy style.

Even though I came with her, no one will think twice to guess that I am nothing to her. She choose my clothes today. I didn't have anything special to begin with but she still managed to make me wear a faded black tight jeans with white t-shirt and leather jacket. My hair styled in all pulled back by applying half of a tube of gel.

I just hoped that I wouldn't look out of place so I let her do everything. At last I didn't look all that bad though.

"You look sexy bro." She said at last winking at me.

Now, we are heading towards the bar counter, she ordered us just some cocktail juices. I don't drink and she hasn't reached her age yet.

"Let's dance?" she asked more like said and we headed towards the dance floor.

"Enjoy yourself Mikkey, I thought you would like to have some time away from your loving books!." She said in a mocking voice.

"Yeah, I am very much enjoying myself!!" I said swaying my hips with the music.

Music kept on changing and I just followed my sister's move and it was not all that bad anymore.

I was enjoying that until....

I saw him. The one whom I was trying to ignore with my life. And also he was with the one, who I wish would ignore me. Jayden and Ryan!!

They were dancing together, well it seemed more like Ryan was making him dance. His moves were random and seemed like he was completely wasted. Ryan was trying to attach their body together and planting kisses here and there, Jayden didn't return them but he didn't seem to mind them either.

And that made me jealous. Very jealous!!!

Shit!! Why am I jealous!? I don't even like him....right!? I know Jayden likes me but do I share the same feeling. Am I gay!!!?? But I like Adawna. Yeah I like Adawna. I guess it just irritates me to see that Jayden is not pushing him away....right?

With that I turned around and tried not to notice him. I guess I was never good at trying. So my eyes wandered on their own again, landing on the green ones that was already looking directly at me.

The moment seized.

I didn't realize I had been staring at him for so long that I had stopped dancing, and Melissa was moving her hands in front of face.

"Bro, you still here?"

"Y..eah..umm give me a minute" with that I stormed towards the bathroom, bumping into the peoples. My mind was definitely not stable, it never was. But how is this happening, I AM NOT GAY!!

Maybe I should think over again? Maybe my preferences changed? Fuck! What's wrong with me!? What is he doing to me? Those green eyes! Those fucking green eyes!!

I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. I know I don't have any special qualities. With my facial features, my body, no one would ever waste their time thinking of me being with a person like Jayden.

I was in a daze again when someone pushed me against the wall. I was still recovering from the situation when the person kicked me in my stomach making me yelp in pain.

"You piece of shit! How dare you look at Jayd like that!? He is mine! Got that, asshole!!" then I didn't even have to look at his face anymore to know that, he was Ryan.

He kicked me two more times. "Don't you dare think of being with Jayden!!" I looked up at him that maybe annoyed him more, earning me a punch right against my right jaw. Blood pouring down from my mouth, my vision blurred for a while. He kept on rambling though.

"... will make sure this goes deep inside your unworthy brain that Jayden is mine!!" He launched towards me and I could see another punch coming. I, therefore lowered my head protecting it with my hands, but it never came.

I hesitantly looked up to find Kyle there. He was grabbing Ryan's hand pulling him back out of the bathroom. Ryan was fighting against him but I guess he just gave in.

I finally released my breath, I didn't know I was holding.

Why was Kyle here? They all came together? Jayden might be alone now. I should look for him. No! Melissa is alone, I should look for her. FUCK!! What is wrong with me!?

With my messed up mind, I fixed my messy hairs and got out. My lips were still bloody red but nothing serious I can't handle. I went to find Melissa first, she was dancing with a guy. I called her aside and explained her the situation about Jayden and didn't say much about my lips but she understood herself though, I guess.

"Let's go then bro" She didn't even think twice for that. That's my sis.

We went to find Jayden. He was sound asleep on a sofa. Looking at him being so calm, my heart started thumping loudly.

"Bro you still here?" She asked again for the second time already. "Let's take him home, okay?" She said lifting his one arm over her shoulder.

I just couldn't move my eyes away from him, his t-shirt showing the architecture of his abs, his face glowing in the flickering lights of bar, his hands, thigh, those long legs, his plump pink lip- "Mike!! What's wrong with you?" She finally yelled pulling me out of my beautiful daze.

What do you think is wrong with him?😉😊 Part 2 will be updated later today so enjoy😊

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Love Nigus😘💓💞

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