chapter 2

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Part 4: time to go go

“Huh… so… monsters came from rogues?”
Undyne questioned

“W-well not quite, r-rogues are more savage now, it's more like we have a common ancestor, from m-my research, i think that rogues were mutated monsters… b-but i don't know…” alphys answered.

“ so… ok, dont tell anyone anything about this or that i told you… but, could a rogue bypass castle security? And kidnap someone, without being caught?”

“W-what?? D-did that h-happen?” Alphys asked in concern.

“ shhh. I've got this Alright, just help me… and it will all be taken care of.” Undyne reassured, putting her hand on alphys cheek to calm her down, it didn't work, alphys eyes widened and she began to blush, but she tried to act normal, undyne noticed and pulled her hand back looking away.

“N-no, uh, i was… just s-surprised, u-um… a-anyway, u-um, n-no, i-i've never heard of a-any r-rogue smart enough, they kill, n-not kidnap, the only reason they wouldn't kill… is mating… b-but there are rogues that are really sly a-and… but i d-don't know w-why they would kidnap…” alphys stuttered

“ thanks! Al, i owe ya one!” Undyne said turning to leave

“W-wait! C-can I… can i c-come with you?” Alphys asked grabbing undyne's hand.

“ what? It's too dangerous! I can't let you come!”

“ b-but why not?” Alphys asked, she didn't know why in particular, but she really wanted to go with undyne, even if this would be a dangerous job… alphys wasn't a particularly brave person wich made this even more different… but, something about this journey, well, felt so right, she had to go. That's when she realized, she knew just how to get undyne to let her come.

“Undyne? A-are you a-afraid?” Alphys asked knowing just the right buttons to push, “what? Afraid? Afraid of what? Pfft, i ain't afraid!” Undyne replied, “ d-do  you think you c-can't protect me? Undyne t-the undying? Unable t-to protect a nerdy s-scientist?” alphys fluttered her eyes.

Undyne looked at alphys and blinked… “pff! Me? Unable to protect you?of course i can fohohohohoo! You'll see!” Undyne yelled “go pack your things before i change my mind!” Undyne winked and alphys became flustered and hoped undyne didn't catch on...

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