Part three

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Jack pov

I wake up with a jolt, sweating like a pig and my heart racing. I had a dream of some dark figure, roaming all around my body, the most I could remember was feeling helpless and vulnerable.
It was about 7pm and Mark wasn't here, mustve gone out. I decide to try clear my mind with some videogames, I take out my laptop and plug in headphones, starting up happy wheels.
Before I could start the game I heard a buzz from my phone.

JAMES: Guess who's back
Back again
James is back
Tell a friend

I got a slight flashback to my dream when I saw James' name.
Wonder why.

Me: wow it took your mom that love to talk about responsibilities :|

JAMES: Yeah we also went to clothes go shopping
Dude my feet hurt so bad :|

Me: XD your mom doesn't mess around with the shopping im guessing

JAMES: You don't even know the half of it man XD ;-;

JAMES: So I was thinking since I haven't had dinner yet
You wanna go grab something?

Me: that would be great actually. I haven't had dinner either.

JAMES: Great, so ill meet you at the restaurant close to campus?

Me: yeah sure just give me like 10 minutes.

I put my phone down and grab a new pair of clothes, I quickly try slipping them on. In my haste of trying to ram my foot into my jeans, I started to wobble, then started to fall. As I fell I heard the door open.
"Ow fook!" I shout as I hold my head, having hit it on the painful floor.
"Uuumm," I hear from behind me. I turn my head to see Mark in the doorway, looking down surprised at my half naked body. I quickly stand up and put on the rest of my jeans, I take my phone and put it in my pocket.
"Sorry you had to see that," I laugh shyly, just cause he's an asshole to me doesn't mean I have to be one back.
He says nothing as he walks past me and sits on his bed, the hint of a... blush on his face? I ignore it and head to the door.
"I wont be back til late. Bye!" I say before closing the door and heading to tbe restaurant.

When I get there, I see James standing outside.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," I say jogging up to him.
"No problem, I just got here and little bit ago anyways," he smiles before we walk in.
We sit down at a semi-secluded spot and order a soda each.
"So, how was shopping?" I tease.
"Dude, I kid you not, the soles of my shoes are burnt off from all the walking," he says, I laugh at his shocked tone.
"Hey I never got to ask you, your Irish, so does that mean your family moved here?"
"No, actually I got a scholarship to this school and my family stayed at home while I flew here."
He nods understandinly, and the lady comes with our sodas and then asks what we want to eat.
"Can I have the steak and chips please," I order the thing that looked the cheapest on the menu.
"Ill have the tomato soup with a Greek salad please," he orders, we give the waitress our menus and she walks off.
"You vegitarian?"
"Yeah I am."
"Oh, sorry for ordering meat then," I say a little embarrassed.
"No don't worry, I'm not like one of those people," he laughs reassuringly.
"I don't think I could ever give up meat," I chuckle truthfully.
"Honestly, it took me a while to keep the habit of not eating meat, for a long time I was craving it and had sneak snacks when no one was looking," he snickered.
"Naughty veggie boy!" I tease and we both burst out laughing. The whole restaurant was staring at us as we obliviously shouted and laughed.

It finally came to the end of our meal and we had to pay, I reach for my wallet, wanting to pay for my meal. My eyes widen as I realise I forgot to take it.
"You forgot your wallet didn't you," he says with a knowing smile, leaning his chin on his hand.
"I swear if your patient enough I can book it to my dorm and fetch it," I say apologetically.
"No no its cool ill pay, im a privileged white kid that has money to spare," he says in a mocking tone.
I pull out my tongue to him, "fine, but tomorrow I'm taking you out for ice cream,"
"Deal," he pays the waitress and gives her a generous tip.
"Thank you, come again soon," she smiles at us before we leave. We walk together all the way back to campus. I shiver slightly as the wind picks up, I did not anticipate it to be so cold tonight.
I feel warmth on my body as I see James wrap his jacket on my shoulders.
"Careful, people might think your gay cause of that," I joke.
"Meh, don't really care," he laughs, we spend the rest of the walk in a comfortable silence. He walks me up to my dorm and we stand in front of it having our last conversation for the day.
"Thanks again for paying, and don't forget I'm getting you ice cream tomorrow."
"Yes yes I know mom, now, I'm gonna go spend my time playing videogames until 3am." We giggle quietly before we say goodbye.
I open the door to find Mark on his laptop, he looks up at me with a mad expression.
"Who's jacket is that?" He asks, I looked at him confused before noticing I still had James' jacket.
"Aw dammit I forgot to give it back, its james'," I chuckle getting my phone.

Me: you forgot your jacket dumbass XP

JAMES: eh, oh well, give it to me tomorrow then XD

I chuckle before putting my phone down and sitting on my bed. I wasn't really tired so I started playing happy wheels like I intended in the first place.

Mark pov

The jelousy rose up in me as I heard Jack and that James character talking outside.
I know James, he's not as nice and innocent as you think. I get even more jelous when Jack comes in and he's wearing James' Jacket.
"Who's jacket is that?" I ask bitterly.
"Aw dammit I forgot to give it back, its james'," he says, a ghost of all smile on his lips.
I look down sad, I wish he would smile at me like that.
Jack soon started to play videogames on his laptop and I decided I should go to bed. I close my laptop and climb fully in bed, I face away from him. I hear the occasional curse from him as I assume he did something wrong in the game.
I soon let every thought melt together, as I slowly fall asleep.


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