Part Eight

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Jack's pov

I'm woken up by my alarm clock, groaning and shutting it off. I blink away the sleep from my eyes and look out the window. It was still pitch back outside but it was clear the sun was coming up soon.
"Good morning sunshine," Mark chuckled, grabbing his suit case and closing it up. He seemed to already be up long time ago. What normal human being does that?!

"Why so early?" I whine, rolling onto my back and closing my eyes, hoping to get a little more sleep before we had to go. My plans were thwarted when Mark suddenly jumped on top of me and started tickling me. I squeal out in delight and squirm around, begging him to stop. He chuckles and pats my head, "see? Now you're awake. Go have a quick shower before we leave, it's gonna be a long ride." My death glare didn't seem to phase him as he just winked and shooed me towards the bathroom. Dick.

I sigh and grab my toiletries, a towel and some clothes to wear. I turn on the tap and wait for it to get to a good temperature. Once it was practically scolding, I hopped in and started washing myself. I washed my body and hair quickly before getting out again, drying off and getting dressed. Mark was already finished packing up all his stuff by the time I got out of the bathroom.
"Cmon slow poke, don't make me leave you here," he chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I quickly packed up everything I needed that hadn't already been packed from the night before, before slinging the bag over my shoulder, "OK, let's go."

Mark smiled and nodded, gently grabbing my hand and leading me out. The action made me blush. He's been much nicer too me ever since... That happened, and I enjoyed every second of it. How am I gonna survive this holiday? A few weeks, bunking with my secret crush who might also like me back. Sounds like a pretty cheesy book idea if you ask me. But I was happy, this was gonna be fun, I can tell.

"Sean!" a familiar voice calls which makes all the colour from my skin drain and plant my feet to the ground. I slowly turn around to face James, looking terrified. Mark was quick to get in front of me in a protective manner, which gave me a warm feeling in my chest.

"Buzz off Fischbach, I just wanna talk to him," James said in a deadpan voice, not even glancing at Mark as he tried to get to me. He had that same sweet smile on his face that fooled me before. Well not this time.
"I don't think he wants to talk to you to be honest," Mark said with a dominant tone, holding his ground. He was a big man, large muscles, rock hard chest and his aura just screamed authority.

"Well I don't think you have a right to talk for him," James snapped back, giving me a smile.
"Cmon Sean, I just wanna talk for a little while, please." I bite my lip, starting to consider if it was OK or not. No! He's just gonna do the same thing as last time.
"I-I'm sorry... B-but we're gonna be late, Cmon Mark," I grab Mark's arm and hastily lead him back. Mark didn't complain as he rested his hand on the small of my back and led me out the campus as quick as possible. I didn't realise I was shaking until Mark hugged me to his side gently and cooed into my ear, "hey, Shh, it's ok. I've got you. I won't let him hurt you." I look up at him with a timid smile, nodding and nuzzling into his side.

We walked for a while until we got to the train station, quickly getting in and finding a booth. I set my bag down by my feet and sit down, looking out the window. Mark sits a rood from me and does the same, smiling slightly. I subtly peek over to him, studying his rugged, handsome features. Strong jawline, muscular body but not too beefy. Beautiful raven hair that I just want to stick my face into. And chocolate eyes, warm and caring and full of love. Eyes that were looking into mine.

I blush when I realise I've been caught, quickly looking back out the window as the train started. I hear a small chuckle before there was slight shuffling. Mark plugged his earphones in and put them in his ears, seeming to instantly get lost in the music. I smile, loving the look on his face as he looked like he was in deep concentration but still relaxed. He tapped his foot and mouthed out the words slightly with those lips that looked pillow soft. I almost kissed him yesterday, almost got the privilege to touch those perfect lips, taste his sweetness. I wish Amy weren't there to ruin it. She's a sweet girl, of course and I think we'd be good friends, but she was just there at the wrong time.

I sigh as I grab my own earphones, putting them in and starting to space out, forgetting the world around me. The train, the campus, James, Mark, everything. It was just me and the music and what I saw in front of me. I decide to sketch for a while, grabbing my sketchbook and looking around for inspiration. My eyes land on Mark and I bite my lip, starting to sketch him. It wasn't hard at all, like I knew every inch and muscle on his body perfectly.

I must've dozed off at one point since the next thing I know, Mark was gently shaking me.
"Hm?" I mumble as I take my earphones out, looking up at him groggily. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.
"It's time to get off, hurry up before the train starts moving again. I blink a few times and nod, packing everything away and grabbing my bag. I follow close behind Mark as we walk off the train and start heading to his parents house.

Mark's pov

I could feel him staring at me for most of the trip there, which I loved, don't get me wrong. Once we got to our stop, I went to go wake him up, curiously looking at what he had drawn in his sketchbook. A small smile grows on my face as I see a portrait of myself sitting there. It was beautiful and very detailed and it made me wonder what Jack saw in me to make him think I was special enough to draw.

I shake my head and gently shake him to wake him up. He always looked so adorable when he was sleepy. I chuckle and tell him we have to leave, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. We get off the train and start walking to my parents house, not saying much to each other. I glanced over at Jack a few times and grinned each time I saw him quickly look in another direction. Oh this is gonna be a fun holiday.


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