Part Seven

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Mark's pov

Jack told me everything that happened to him. The way James was acting so nice before and how he just suddenly started trying to get into his pants. I knew that fucker was fishy from the moment I saw him. I comforted Jack and cooed sweet nothings into his ear until he fell asleep, curled up in my lap.

Tomorrow is the end of the semester and Jack told me he's gonna go see his family. I'm happy he'll be able to get out of this place and away from James. He's been cooped up in the room all the time except for when he has classes, terrified of running into that monster.

I really wish we could've gotten to know each other more before the holiday, but my dumb ass refuses to act like a normal human being. I always seem to act like a total douchebag to Jack without even wanting to in the first place. My mom says I get it from my dad, it's like a defence mechanism or something like that. I'll be able to see my family as well this holiday. It won't be as hard as Jack since they live much closer.

"Hey Mark?" Jack mumbled from his side of the room. He was curled up on his bed, hugging--no clinging to a pillow.
"Yes Jack?" I respond, setting my phone down to look up at him.
"I... I'm not gonna be able to go see my parents..." He whispered, his voice sounding a bit strained. I sit up and looked at him worriedly, "what? Why not?"

Jack slowly turned around to face me, looking up at me with those beautiful pools in his eyes that made me want to float in them. He tugged at his earlobe, a thing he does when he's nervous, as I've noticed.
"It's... Too expensive to travel overseas... We can't afford it," he slowly sat up, still clinging to the pillow.

This is not good. Not good at all. Because I know for a fact that James isn't going home for the holidays either. I suddenly stand up and look at him with a wide smile, making him jump slightly at the action.
"You can stay with me!"
"Mark that's insane. I can't do that to your family. You're supposed to spend it with them, I can't ruin that," Jack sighed, looking down with a defeated expression.
"You won't I promise Jack! My mom will be happy that I have a friend over. And she'll insist on you staying when she hears you don't have a place to go."

Jack looked down and tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth, giving me the urge to kiss them. They looked so plump and soft.
"Alright..." He said, looking up at him with a small smile. I smile brightly and pull him into a tight hug, spinning him around. I was probably overreacting but I didn't care. Jack let out a giggle as he held onto me, it sounded like music to me.

I finally set him and and we look at each other with big, happy smiles. I notice him glance down at my lips for a moment and internally squeal. That same urge to kiss him camr back, stronger than ever now. Without even noticing, our faces drifted closer together, our lips almost brushing against each other.

"Am I interrupting something?" Our heads snap up to find Amy standing by the doorway, her arms crossed as she looked at the both of us with an unimpressed face.
"Amy I-" "save it," She cuts me off, scoffing and storming off. I groan softly and look from the doorway to Jack, wondering which one I should pick.
"Go," Jack said quietly, patting my chest and moving away, looking sad. I bite my lip and stare at him for a while before running off to catch up with Amy.

"Amy wait up please!" I call as I see her speed walking down the hallway. I finally catch up to her and stand in front of her, holding her shoulders.
"Amy I... That wasn't... I didn't mean..." I sputter, fumbling to find the right words.
"It's OK Mark, you don't have to explain anything," She gave me a small, heartbroken smile. I pause and look down at her, wondering how she was taking this so well. I would've been a screaming banshee if it were me.

"I saw it coming y'know? You were always daydreaming and staring at Jack when he walked by and sometimes even rambling on about him without noticing," she giggled shakily at that and I look down guiltily.

"Although I am sad that this didn't work out, I understand that I can't stop you from loving someone else, and I really hope you two hit it off. I'm rooting for you." she teared up slightly and looked down, wiping her eye. My eyes get wet as well as I pull her into a tight hug. She quickly hugs back, silently crying into my shoulder. Part of me still loves her, but not in that way anymore.

"I'm really sorry Amy, I really hope you find someone who will treat you like the queen you are." we both laugh softly at that as she pulls away, wiping her mascara-cheeks.
"I love you."
"I love you too," we both share one last kiss. A signing off kiss. A goodbye kiss. A kiss that brought back so much nostalgia.

I give her one last hug and an encouraging smile before running back to my dorm, finding Jack packing up some clothes in a suit case.
"Hey," I sighed, sitting down on the bed and watching him. He looked up at me with worry, noticing my red eyes, "hey, how did it go?"
"We broke up. But we agreed to stay friends, and she doesn't hate you don't worry." He let out a sigh of relief and nodded.

I sigh and lie back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I'm sad that Amy and I aren't together anymore, but excited for what's gonna happen next. A smile slowly creeps onto my face as I think of the endless possibilities this holiday could bring.
"What are you smiling about, ya goof?" Jack giggled, sitting next to me. I chuckle and shake my head, closing my eyes, "the future."
"Does it look bright?" I look up at him, and those sparking eyes looking back at me.


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