Part four

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Mark pov

I woke up at about 10am, turning to see if I had any messages on my phone. I see Jack still on his laptop.
"Were you up all night?"
"Yeah," he says nonchalantly, barely even giving me a glance before turning back to the screen. I get up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Want some coffee," I ask him, the looks up at me confused.
"Is Mark, the tough guy actually warming up to me!?" He shouts in mocking shock.
I roll my eyes, "nevermind," I start to head to the door.
"No wait I'm kidding," he chuckles, getting up off his bed and taking his wallet.
I blush slightly, facing away from him as we leave the dorm and go down to the cafeteria.
We go to the coffee machine that looks more like an ATM.
Im first so I make myself an ice latte, when mine is finished he makes himself and black coffee.
"Yo Mark!" We hear from behind us, I turn to see Jayden and some others, my "friends".
"Hey guys, how's it goin?" We greet with fistpumps and high fives.
"Who's this?" Jayden asks, pointing to Jack, snickering slightly at his small stature.
I knew these people, they're like the school bullies, and unfortunately I was a part of the group so I had to act like them.
"Ugh, just my dumb roommate that decided to tag along with me to get coffee," I snicker back. He Definetaly heard me, a look of hurt on his face.
"Hi I'm Jack nice to meet you," the says looking at them with a bright smile. They stared at him like he was stupid, then bursted out laughing. He still stood there, smile never faltering. I love how he'll be nice to even the people that are shitting on him.
"C'mon Mark, lets save you from this pleb," we laughed as we started walking away.
I take a sneaky glance behind me to see Jack looking back confused. I felt bad for doing this to him, I hate being friends with bullies.

Jack pov

When what I can assume was Mark's friends came over, I knew the second I saw them that they were the bullies. They give me funny looks and snicker about me.
"Ugh, just my dumb roommate that decided to tag along with me to get coffee," I hear Mark say. I look at him hurt, he was being so nice... well... niceish just now, now it feels like he's a completely different person. I look back at the rest of the people, deciding to kill them with kindness.
"Hi I'm Jack nice to meet you," I smile, all they do is stare then start laughing. They drag Mark away with them and I look at him confused. I swear this dude must be bipolar.
"Hey Jack," I hear behind me. I turn around to James, my mood immediately picks up.
"Sup James,"I high five him.
"Were those guys being mean to you, they're like that," he says scowling at they're backs.
"Nah they weren't too bad," I reassure him before pointing to the coffee machine.
"Coffee? After that we can go get ice cream."
"Dont you think its a bit too early for ice cream?" He giggles.
I look at him offended, "it is never too early for ice cream, SIIIIRRR!" he laughs at me before getting himself some coffee.
We start to walk around the campus, talking about that videogames we played and other shit.
"So... first day of school tomorrow... you excited?" He asks.
"And nervous, I have no idea what I'm doing," I chuckle and so does he.
We finally find and ice cream cart and practically running to it like kids and shouting "ICE CREEEEAAAAMM" to the top of our lungs.
I obviously get the chocolate flavoured popcicle.
"Chose wisely Coreman," I tell him as he rubs his chin with his fingers, deciding which would be the best.
"Blueberry cheesecake flavoured," he finally says, I pay for our ice creams and take a cheeky lick out of his before giving it to him.
"Hey!" He protests, trying to do the same with mine, I start running, ain't no way is he having any.
"You'll never catch me alive!" I shout behind me. He chases me around the campus, obviously more athletic than me since I tire easily and he catches up to me.
"Nice try Sean, now, hand over the popcicle," he holds out his hand expectantly.
I reluctantly let him take a bite, he takes it satisfied that he's won.
"If I hadn't skipped all those P.E. lessons in high school I would've gotten away," I grumble.
"Karma's a bitch ain't it," he laughs at me.
I stick out my tongue before continuing to walk.
"Oh shit yeah your jacket!" I suddenly remember, I take his arm and start dragging him to my dorm.
When we get there I open my door and start looking around in the pile of clothes on the floor.
"I can see your roommate is a slob," he laughs as he sits on my bed.
"And an asshole," I role my eyes as I find the jacket and let out a successful aha.
"Here ya go," I hand it to him before sitting down next to him. I start to eat my popsicle, licking off the dripping cream that was melting. From the corner of my eyes I could see James staring at me.
"Nothing," he says looking away, I shrug it off and continue eating.
"Videogames?" I suggest.
"Hell yeah!" He cheers, I get my laptop out and start it up.
"What you wanna play?"
"You got 'I am bread'?" I cringe when he asks that.
"Thats the worst game ever... but yes I do," I chuckle clicking on the game file.
We both have turns trying to get the stupid floppy bread from one point to another. After about half an hour I hear the door open with Mark at the threshold.
"Hey Mark," I say hardly even glancing at him before returning to the task at hand.
"Sup," James says before turning his head back to watch me play.
"Motherfooker!" I shout as the bread hits the ground and I try my best to get it off the floor before time runs out. I hear a low grumble before Mark goes and sits on his bead.
I finally get to the end of the level, letting out a victory cry and throwing my hands in the air.
"Thank the skies above I did it!" James laughs at my loudness before looking at his watch.
"Aw man, I got to go. It was fun to play with you though," he says getting up, I set the laptop down and walk with him to the door.
"Come by whenever you want to play," we fistpump eachother before he says goodbye and I close the door.

Mark pov

When I opened the door and saw James there, I immediately wanted to throw him out.
When he greeted me he stared at me warningly, like he knew I wanted to tell Jack.
I let out a silent sigh of relief when he finally leaves. We know eachother, well, our relationship was... questionable to say the least, but it ended really badly and I'm scared the same thing will happen to Jack.
He comes back from the door and plops tiredly on his bed and closes his eyes, I smile at his adorable face. He opens his eyes and notices me staring and smiling at him.
"Awww, I never thought I'd see the day Mark smiling genuinely at me," he smiles back happily. My smile doesn't fade, as much as I try, so I hide it by looking away. I hear him chuckle before turning around and curling into a ball and falling asleep.
I must protect this little marshmellow with all my strength.


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