Part one

525 20 15

Jack pov

I've never been one to be fussy about anything, but god damn was this insufferable.
I am a 20 year old man starting off college with my major being art. I had the privilege of getting a scholarship and was able to fly all the way from Ireland to LA and study at my dream school.
The downside was that I had no family members in LA so I had to share a dorm with someone. I know that didn't sound too bad to you, but to me it was pure hell. I'm not a big fan of people in general and now I had to share a room with one.
I sigh in discontent as I enter the campus and head to the building that had all the dorms. I walked up the flight of steps until I reached level three. My room was 320B, I walked down the hallway searching for my dorm.
318, 319, ah, 320, I take my key and slip it in the lock. Before I could even twist my wrist I noticed the door was already unlocked... whoever my roommate was, I could tell he was quite unorganized. I hear the sound of music booming from inside, it being a band I know of. Ok maybe he wont be so bad.
I open the door slowly to reveal a room thats in shambles... ok I take it back, this will be harder than I thought. I open the door further to reveal a half Asian man passed out on his bed with a guitar hanging loosely in his grip. His major must be music I'm guessing. I pick up my suitcase and come inside, I close the door and lock it with my key. I look at the man who didn't look half bad, strong jawline and cheekbones, fluffy midnight black hair and a nicely built body. Id love to draw him one day, I think as I set my stuff down on my bed that was untouched. I started to unpack things onto my study table, sketchbooks, pencils, books and other bits and bobs. I then get to packing all my clothes in my small cuboard. I should probably go take a shower, but it might be awkward if this guy's first impression of me is me was me half naked with only a towel to cover my modesty. A sniff at my armpit changes my mind, making me take a towel and other bathroom supplies. I close the door to the bathroom and set my shower gel, shampoo and conditioner in the shower. I turn on the water and wait for it to heat up, I strip down and set my clothes on the toilet seat. I climb in the shower and sigh as the warm water relaxes my muscles. I take my apple scented shampoo and start to missage my scalp.

*time skip to end of shower*

I climb out and wrap a towel around my waist and take my dirty clothes. I open the door to see the man still fast asleep on his bed, good. I quickly get changed and towel dry my neon green hair. When I'm finished I put my dirty clothes and towel in a washbasket... which he doesn't seem to know how to use given by all the clothes laying on the floor. I sigh as I look at the mess, I'd love to clean this up but I feel like that's probably not gonna go down well with him. I notice his stereo that was still on full blast, I walk towards it and turn the music softer. I go and sit down at my desk, plug in my earphones and start drawing random things in my sketchpad. Im glad I got here a few days before classes start, it gives me time to settle in. My mind soon wanders to my roommate, he was Definetaly attractive, looking at about 20-21. He probably has a girlfriend too... hm... I wonder why that thought made my heart sink and little.
My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. I jump and quickly take my earphones out, I turn in my seat to become face to fa-well... chest with the half Asian.
"Who the hell are you," the man yawns out, I immediately find myself lost in those chocolatey brown eyes and forget to answer.
"Hey! Are you deaf our somethin'?" He says and I flinch at his kind of harsh tone. I stand up and walk to the side of my desk and give him a warm smile.
"Im Sean, but everyone calls me Jack. Im your roommate, its nice to meet you," I hold out my hand kindly for him to shake. Hey takes one look at my hand then back up to me, his eyes then roam my body briefly before smirking.
"Nice to meet you Jackaboy, I'm Mark, but most people call me Mark," I giggle slightly at his joke, taking my hand away. Guess handshakes arent something he does. He smiles gleefully before frowning all of a sudden, I look at him confused. Was he being sarcastic just now?
"U-um, so I'm guessing your major is music? Your guitar is really cool. My major is in ar-" my sentence is cut off when I am suddenly pinned to the wall. Mark's face was inches from mine and his face looked scarily calm but his eyes looked darker now.
"Listen, Jack, just because we're roommates now, doesn't mean I care anything about you. We're not friends, and never will be, keep to your side and I'll keep to mine," he growls. He stays there a bit longer, just staring at me, before pushing away and falling onto his bed. He started to play on the guitar, me still standing against the wall in shock. A warning look towards me has me sitting back down at my desk, facing away from him. I feel his eyes on me as I continue to draw. Whats this guy's problem? Its like my very presence riles him up. I decide the staring is too much to take and get up. I take my sketchpad and small pencil bag with me. A quick glance at him showed that he was watching my every move. I unlock the door and head out, sighing in relief as I finally don't feel eyes burning into me anymore. There's only one place that I can think of to relieve my stress now.
The library.
Before I left the door I hear his muffled voice.
"Art trash."


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