Lay One On Me (Lirry)

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Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. This one WAS requested. Sorry. But thank you to 1DxASWxOC for requesting it! You said you wanted fluff...but...this is what happened xx


LiLi's Pov

I will tell you a few things I hate about going clubbing with my friends. One...the loud music. It isn't neccesary. Sure, people enjoy it, but can't we dance to quieter music? Two...the smell of sweat and sex from all the horn dogs that come in there pants from just grinding. That's just disgusting. And three...watching the boy I'm in love with dance with random whores. Now right now he is no where to be found, but I know he's probably in a bathroom having sex with some blonde bimbo (A/N I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST BLONDES.) who couldn't keep their hands off of him.

You see, I'm in love with my bandmate; Harry Styles. He's straight, and takes a girl back to his place almost every night. Tonight is just another night where that's going to happen. It's like he has a routine. Get drunk, find a drunk girl, talk her up, take her home, bang her. Then, voila! Add another girl to his list of 'The Girls Harry Styles has Screwed' My routine is almost the same. Okay not really. I watch Harry get drunk, watch him find a drunk girl, watch him talk her up, watch him take her home...well I don't watch him bang her, of course. But I do go to sleep with a broken heart! Insert smile here. Don't you just love sarcasm?

There was just something odd. It's been three hours already, and I haven't seen Harry walk out that door. I tend to watch it very intently, because I'm not drinking or dancing. I can see Niall having fun though. Him and Zayn are drunkenly grinding on eachother, which is probably going to lead to another morning where they wake up in the same bed, freaking out only to find out that the minute they layed down, they knocked out. Louis is in quite the same drunken state, singing louder than the club's music with his arm draped around someone that is looking at him like he's crazy. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"Watcha laughin' at?" I jumped at the slurred voice that came from behind me. I turned around to come face to face with a drunken Harry, alcohol making his breath reek. I placed my hand over my heart to feel that he really gave me a fright.

"Jesus, Harry! Next time don't do that. Yeah?" I panted out from my lack of breath. He just laughed out loud and clasped his hand to my shoulder in attempt to keep his balance. Even though he was very pissed, he was still looking cuter than ever. I mean, how could those emerald eyes and amazing dimples not make anyone swoon over him, gay or not?

"Sorry, Li! I'm just bored. Not much action tonight." I didn't really mean to, but my jaw dropped. I was pretty happy there was a chance he was going hom alone tonight. But I had to encourage him.

"What do you mean?! You never have trouble with the ladies! Tell you what, you go out there, find the hottest person here, and lay one on 'em!" I shouted over the music, with a hand on his shoulder, "There is no way they will deny you." I smiled.

He shrugged and said, "Okay."

I was about to turn around and leave when I felt a pair of lips on mine. My eyes were left open in shock, and I watched Harry's eyes flutter close as he cupped my cheeks and moved his lips against mine. It took every fiber in my body to not kiss back, and push him off.

"Harry?!" I yelled, "What was that?!"

"Well, you said to find the hottest person in here and lay one on 'em. So I did." He smirked, then proceded to puke on my shoes.

Way to boost my self-esteem!

*The Next Morning*

After taking all of the boys back to Harry and Louis' flat, I cleaned off my shoes and spent the night, knowing they would all need assistance in he morning. I slept on the couch, and woke up with a sore back. I didn't care though. My mind replayed all of last nights events. Harry kissed me. Me! I still wasn't able to comprehend it very well. I never would have thought Harry was gay, or bisexual at the least. Then again, he was drunk. Still! Harry Styles kissed me!

Shouts snapped me out of my thoughts.

"OH MY GOD! ZAYN?!......NIALL?!.....WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!........WHY ARE YOU NAKED, HUH?!......Wait...we have boxers on....WHY ARE WE IN THE SAME BED?!"

I groaned at threw a pillow over my face. I tried to force myself back to sleep, but of course someone had to walk in the living room.

"Morning, Li!" I heard Louis chirp. How the hell was he so alive and awake after being so drunk last night? He was drunk, right? I sat up and mumbled a 'Mornin' in response as he rummaged through the fridge in the kitchen.

"So, you and Harry? Eh? Eh?" He asked when he walked back in. Wait...what?! How the hell did he know? He saw?! Better yet, he remembered?!

"Me and H-harry? W-what?" I stuttered. Well damn.

"What about me?" My head snapped towards the source of the voice. Of course he'd be coming out now. I looked at Louis who had a smirk on his face, then back at Harry, who was in only his boxers and sporting a very nice bed head.

"Li, you remember. Don't you?" Louis chuckled. I inwardly curled up in a ball, and died.

"Uh..." was all I managed out. Harry just stood there, looking more confused than ever. I knew he wouldn't remember.

"Oh my god!" Louis yelled, "Look, I saw Harry kiss you last night! He likes you, you like him. Now go get married and have Lirry babies."

I literally choked on air, and Harry had the same reaction. Except he was blushing a deep red. My defense mechanism kicked in, and I asked, "How would you know that?"

He sighed and started walking back towards his room before yelling, "I've read your diary, Liam!"

"It's a journal!"

"Is it true, Liam?" My attention turned back to a very embarassed looking Harry. It was my turn to blush. I could only nod in response. Next thing I knew, Harry pulled me from my spot on the couch and was twirling me in his arms. Who knew he was so strong? He finally set me down, with a huge smile on his face.

"I like you too, Li. Although, I just made my headache ten times worse than it was before." He groaned the last part. I couldn't hold back my smile anymore.

"So, uh. Now that, that's you maybe...w-want to be my...uh.." I started stuttering again, my face heating up even more.

"Yes, Li. I will be your boyfriend." He smiled. We both broke into a fit of laughter. Once we calmed down I got a little cheesy and said, "Now lay one on me."


I APOLOGIZE FOR THE CRAPPINESS. ASDFGHJKL. I wasn't even thinking when I wrote this actually. I just let my thumbs do all the work....T-T I apologize for any mistakes, confusion, and other crap. I'm like half asleep right now. So. Yeah. Um. Yeah. Sorry xx *did you like my little Ziall moment?xD*


Cereal time! :Dxx

I want pie.

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