C H A P T E R 6

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"So how was your holiday?" She passes me a cup of coffee and sits opposite me.

"Yeah about that..." It wasn't much of a holiday. Just lots of therapy.

"What? Wait don't tell me you met a cute boy!" Her eyes widen as she leans in closer.

"Audrey.." I look down as I try to hide my tears.

"Are you okay?" She tilts her head and her expression changes when she sees me cry.

"Audrey, T-The reason I l-left was-"

I cut off as I wipe away my tears with my sleeves. She puts her hand on my shoulder and looks at me and gives me a hug.

"You can tell me" I nod and start to explain...

Graysons POV

"Why are we so mean to her anyway?" I poor another shot but Ethan stops me.

"I think we've had enough, we should go to bed" He yawns and pulls my arm. I pull back and I can feel his grip tighten.

"Grayson." Ethan gives me a serious look and I sigh letting him pull me towards the stairs.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.
We both turn and Ethan walks towards it. He was more sober than I was.

"Katherine?!" He shouts out and I look over to see her in the doorstep.

"Ethan, Grayson, we need to talk." She walked through the door and sat on the table.

"I don't care if you're gonna listen or not, I need to say this now." I look at her with an annoyed look and she rolls her eyes.

"You know I'd give you a nasty look but you've already got one." I bite my lip and cross my arms.


"If you're going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty." Her mouth opens and she stares at me in disbelief.

"Two-faced? You two are the ones being fucking two-faced! I had to leave and now I'm back, isn't that what counts?" She's getting mad and her hands are shaking.

She avoids making eye contact with either of us so she looks at the floor instead.

"I don't know what happened to you guys." I can see her eyes tear up.

God I wish I could just hug her. Tell her everything will be all right. But I can't. I have to stay strong.

"I loved you both so much, and now you throw me away like I'm nothing but a piece of trash." I can hear her sobbing but she continues to look down.

"Katherine you left us remember?! We thought something happened to you! You didn't call, You didn't text nothing!" Ethan interrupts and I can see his eyes tearing.

"I had to clear my head and I couldn't let anyone distract me." She waves her hands around and tears are streaming down her face.

She doesn't even bother hiding them at all. Ethan looks down on her but squeezes his eyes to hide his tears.

"Just leave Katherine." I say bluntly to her. She looks at me in shock.

That's when I could see the bags under her eyes. She hasn't slept at all. Her red eyes from all the crying. And all her little imperfections.

But god,

She was and always will be,

The most beautiful girl for me.

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