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04 ~ the coyote

3rd Person

Talia Baccari laid there in the bed of Scott McCall, his arm protectively wrapped her waist, keeping her body close to his. He watched her sleep peacefully with a smile on his face.  He leaned over and placed a kiss on her head, whispering sweet things into her ear.

Scott tried to fall asleep but he was unable to, thinking about the case Sheriff Stilinksi told him about.  An idea then popped into his mind.  He gently pushed Talia off him, as he got off the bed changing into a pair of clean clothes.

He walked out of the house and got onto his dirt bike, heading towards the Stilinski household.  When he arrived there he climbed up to the second floor and went through the window that led into Stiles' room.

Scott found his best friend asleep on the floor with papers all over the place.  He took one of the papers in his hand and noticed it was from the Tate case.  He kicked Stiles gently, causing him to jerk himself awake.  The human teen stared up at his friend in confusion, "Scott?  It's three in the morning, what are you doing here?"

Scott kneeled down to be eye level with his friend and smiled. "Lets go find a body."


Scott McCall

Me and Stiles walked through the woods, flashlights in our hands.  "Stiles are you sure you know where you are going?" I asked.

He pointed his flashlight at the map he was carrying.  "Of course I am.  I took this from the case file and this map leads to where the accident took place."

We continued to walk through the forest in silence until Stiles broke it.  "So...you and Talia?  What is going on there?  Are you guys together or something?"

I scratched the back of my neck.  "No we aren't together we just kissed last night..." I paused, "And slept in the same bed."

Stiles gave me smirk, "Well whatever you guys are I'll be there to support you man." He said as he patted my shoulder.

Suddenly we came upon the car wreck.  "I wonder why the car is still here after eight years."  I wondered.  "Probably too much trouble to tow it out of the ditch and bring it back to town."

We both climbed down the ditch and began to search the damaged car.  "Hey man look!" Stiles spoke up.  I turned to face him to see that he was holding some doll.  The doll's voice box suddenly turn on, causing us to both jump.

Both of our bodies froze when we heard low growling behind us.  When we turned around we came face to face with a pair of two glowing eyes.  "Please tell me I'm imagining it."

I shook my head, "No...it is real."  The coyote then takes off and without a second thought I went after it.  The animal was fast but my werewolf abilities were kicking in and I managed to catch up to it.

I let out a low growl which caused the creature to stare back at me.  I flash it my red alpha eyes as it flashed its blue eyes.  I arched my brow as I stared at its eye color, meaning that it took an innocent life. 

"Malia?" I called, my alpha eyes still showing.  When the name came out of my mouth the animal ran off and I knew immediately who that was.  I continued to chase after it but ended up smashing into Stiles.

"Scott you have to see what I found." He told me.  He led me into a cave which inside had some torn up clothes and toys which I believed was Malia's.

"She won't come back here..." I spoke up and he looked at me, confused so I continued. "We invaded her home, our scent is everywhere."

"Well is there any other way we can find her?" He asked.   "I could track her better if I transformed, but I'm scared to lose control.  And since Derek isn't responding to any of my texts we need some help.  This coyote den is a crime scene so we should call your dad."

Stiles nodded his head and pulled out his phone.  About fifteen minutes passed and Sheriff Stilinski arrived.  We explained to him that we think the coyote is Malia. 

"Wait so you think the coyote is Malia Tate?  You know how crazy that sounds." He nearly shouted at us.  "I know it sounds ridiculous but just think, the accident was caused when Malia transformed while her mom was driving.  And with guilt of killing her sister and mother, Malia runs off into the woods and becomes trapped inside a body of a coyote." Stiles tries to explain.

Suddenly while Stiles was talking to his dad I saw myself in my alpha form, standing over Malia's body, getting ready to slash her throat.  That's when I realize what I need to do.

I was cut out off from my hallucination by Mr. Stilinski, "You two need to head home, you have school in a couple of hours."  We both nodded our heads and headed out of the den while Mr. Stilinski stayed.


When I got back home it was around 5am so that means I can have a couple hours of sleep before I need to get ready for school.  When I stepped into my room the first thing my eyes spotted was Talia who was still asleep in my bed.

I changed back into my pajamas which was just a pair of sweatpants.   I crawled under the sheets, my arms immediately wrapping around her small body, pulling her close to me, her head resting on my bare chest.  I placed a kiss on her head then slowly drifted back to sleep.


3rd Person

Time went by so fast the hours felt like minutes and suddenly Scott's alarm went off, waking him and Talia up.

Scott faced the beautiful girl that laid next to him. "Good morning."  Talia returned the smile and leaned her head up to place a kiss on his cheek.  The two got up from the bed and got dressed up for the day.

The two sat at the corner of his bed placing their shoes on.  "So what are you going to do while I'm at school?" He asked.  She turned to face him as she slipped on her heels.  "I have to head back to update the council about the artifact.  I'll see you as soon as possible."  She told him. 

Before they got up from the bed Scott cupped her cheek in his hand causing her to look at him.  He leaned over and pressed his lips against hers.  Talia's hand went towards the side of his neck and slid down to his chest as their lips moved in sync.

  Talia's hand went towards the side of his neck and slid down to his chest as their lips moved in sync

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Talia smiled into the kiss as Scott licked her bottom lip, begging for entrance in which she gave him.  She moaned into the kiss as Scott explored her mouth.  The only reason the two had to pull apart was because of air.  They sat there, their foreheads touching, smiles on their faces. 

Talia stood up from the bed, smiling at the man she cares for.  "I'll see you later okay?" He nodded his head, smiling back. With a twist of her hand, purple smoke surrounding her, teleporting her back to the Witch world.

Scott's smile remained on his face from the moment him and Talia just shared.  He picked up his backup, heading out of the house and towards school.

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