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13 ~ new beginnings & demonic ninjas
( A/N: Read my author's note at the bottom of the chapter. It is IMPORTANT! )

3rd Person

"Talia!....Talia! Let me explain!" Scott tried stop the young witch from leaving the roof but she ignored his calls for her. He grabbed her arm causing her to stop in place but refusing to look at him. "Just let me explain."

She stayed in her spot, still refusing to look at him as she nodded her, signaling him to talk. "I love you Talia. I always will, it's just that the amount of time we both were separated from each other caused our love to slowly fade. And over that time" His eyes then went towards the Yukimura girl who stood there awkwardly. "I developed feelings for someone else.....for Kira."

Talia's eyes went to Kira then back to Scott. "Well I hope you too are happy together." Just as she was about to walk back inside Kira grabbed her wrist, causing the young witch to send glares at her. "Talia I didn't mean"

Talia yanked her arm away from the young fox. "If you ever lay your hand on me again I won't hesitate to rip your heart out and crush it until it is dust!" She threatened the Yukimura girl who stood there with a fearful look on her face, Scott sharing the same look.

The young witch stepped back into the build, back to the party. She pushed through the crowd, getting to the counter to where the drinks are at. She poured a beverage into a shot glass and just as she was bout to drink it she heard someone come next to her. "Having a bad day?"

She turned her head to see one of the twins, not knowing which one it is. "Tell me are you the straight one or the gay one?" She asked with a smirk. The twin stared at Talia as he took a shot. "Aiden. The straight one. So tell me why are you upset?"

She shook her head. "And why do you think I'm mad?" Aiden gave her a sly smirk. "Well I saw you come in here with a angry look on your face and now you're here, drinking away your feelings."

Talia took a shot of vodka, her face making a weird, sour look. "I don't want to talk about it." He smiled at her and set his shot glass down, grabbing her hand. "Then let's dance." Before she could have any word come out of her mouth the former alpha twin took the young witch to the dance where drunk, hormonal teens were dancing.

Aiden placed his hands on Talia's waist, pulling her close to him, their chests pressed up against one another. Aiden could see that she wasn't enjoying this. He leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. "Come on. Let loose and have some fun."

Talia smiled at his words, deciding that he was right. For a while now she has been so depressed and stressed out that she deserved to have her thoughts leave her mind for at least a night.

She stood up on her tiptoes and connected her lips to his who immediately kissed back. One of his hands cupped the side of her neck while the other rested on her ass.

Talia smiled against his lips, missing the touch from another

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Talia smiled against his lips, missing the touch from another. She pulled away causing him stare at her in confusion. "What about Lydia? I thought you guys are together?" She asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "It's complicated. She said she doesn't want to be with me so what's the point in trying. Am I right?" He said before reconnecting his lips onto hers, Talia instantly melting against them.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her as their lips moved in sync and their bodies swayed to the beat of the music. From the distance Scott was watching the intimate moment Talia and Aiden were sharing and he felt crack in his heart. He then felt a small hand slip into his and when he looked over he saw Kira giving him a small smile and he gave one in return. He realized that his heart would always belong to Talia Baccari and not now but maybe in future they would be together again but for right now this just a new beginning for the two.

Suddenly a large bang echoed throughout the loft causing everyone to turn their heads to the entrance, where the sound came from to see Derek Hale standing there. "Get out!" He shouted, his voice echoing. Everyone began to run towards the exit.

Talia noticed Danny carrying Lydia out with crowd and Ethan and Stiles were no where to be seen. Suddenly five black shadowy figures that looked like ninjas appeared from the shadows. Their heads turned towards Aiden and Talia.

As the ninjas tried to approach the two, Aiden pushed Talia behind him. "Get behind me." He told her but she shook her head, a fire ball forming in her hand. "I don't need protection." She said as she threw it at one of the ninjas but it blocked the flames with it's sword. Aiden, Derek, and Isaac shifted to their wolf form, charging at the ninjas.

Those shadow warriors managed to block and dodge every attack the werewolves did to them. Derek even managed to break one of it's neck but it twisted back into place.

Talia eyes widened as she saw one of the ninjas get a hold of Aiden, flashing it's yellow eyes at him. He then collapsed onto the ground, shaking viciously. Three of the ninjas then appeared in front of Talia, slowly approaching her. She shot her hand forward, sending a blast towards them but they blocked it with their swords.

Talia stood there in shock, confused on how they managed to block her magic. As they began to approach her again Scott quickly put a protective arm in front of her, his alpha eyes and fangs coming out, growling at them.

  As they began to approach her again Scott quickly put a protective arm in front of her, his alpha eyes and fangs coming out, growling at them

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He turned around to face the young witch, making sure she was safe. He then turned to Kira who stood there scared for her life.

Suddenly the sun slowly rises and when the light hits the shadow ninjas they vanished into thin air. Scott transformed back into his human form, turning to Talia. He immediately walked up to her, his hands resting on her arms. "Are you okay?"

Talia nodded her head, a small hint of fear in her eyes that Scott noticed. "I'm fine. I just want to know what those things are and how my magic did not hurt them."

Derek and Isaac ran up to Aiden who still laid on the ground unconscious while Talia and Scott stood next to each other with Kira by his side, not knowing a single thing about those creatures they just faced.

( A/N: I would just like to let you guys know that this isn't the end of Talia and Scott. You can think of this as a minor bump in the book. And in the future chapters you will learn more about Talia's path. )

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