"I just want to be happy."
A month has pasted since the sacrifices that took place in Beacon Hills and everything seemed to have calmed down.
Talia Baccari and Scott McCall both have different priorities. Her being the newest and youngest supreme...
After the fight with the Oni, Scott and Kira went to go check on Stiles at the hospital, making sure that the Oni don't try to brand him in a public place while Derek and the twins went back home. The true alpha and young Kitsune soon seethat Stiles was okay and the Oni 'supposedly' haven't branded him yet. After bringing him and Kira home, Scott arrived at his house and when he walked into his room he was greeted by Aiden and Ethan who was standing in the middle of his room.
"What are you guys doing here?" He asked. Ethan then stepped forward, speaking up. "Talia is missing." Worry immediately filled Scott, "What do you mean she is missing? She said that she was going home!"
"Yeah we thought that too but when we got back to our place we saw it was totally trash. There was a large dent in the wall and the glass table was completely shattered, with some blood on the ground." Aiden explained.
Without saying anything, Scott grabbed his coat and helmet, exiting his house with the twins behind him. "Have you guys tried to find her by scent?" He asked.
Ethan nodded his head. "Yeah we did but the weird part is that her scent ends at the our building. Right when we stepped outside her trail was gone."
"How are we gonna find her if she basically has no scent?" Aiden asked. Scott thought for a minute and the people they needed came to his mind. "We're gonna need some magic to find her."
Talia's eyes slowly fluttered open, finding herself on a metal table, her arms and legs strapped down. "Good. You're up."
Her eyes went over to the hooded figure that stood in the corner of the dark room. "Who the hell are you?" Talia asked with a hint of anger in her voice. The stranger laughed. "That's not important right now Talia Baccari. Right now you need to pay for all the pain you caused me."
Talia rolled her eyes. "I've hurt a lot of people. Care to give me a hint to jog my memory." She smirked. The person walked up next to the young witch then pulled their hood off. Talia's eyes widen as she saw the person standing in front of her."I thought you were dead..."
Scott and the twins stood in their apartment room as Fiona and Julia Baccari searches the place, trying to find a personal object that Talia valued. "Did you find anything?" Scott asked, worried was easily shown on his.
Julia shook her head, also fearing for her daughter's life. "Nothing. Whoever was here destroyed everything that belonged to her."
"Who would do this? Who would want to kidnap Talia, possibly kill her?" Ethan asked as him and his brother were cleaning up the damage. The two witches stared at each other. "A lot of people.—" Scott and the twins stared at the witches, confused at what they meant. "—ever since the marriage between the Emperor and Talia a lot of problems came to our world." Fiona answered.
She crossed her arms over her chest then snapped her fingers. "I can make a locator potion. That might help."
"But going back to our world and coming back might take to long. Talia might already be dead." Julia added. Fiona nodded her head, agreeing. "Maybe your boss will have the ingredients I need to make it. Scott take us to him." Fiona told the true alpha, who nodded his head. They all then left the apartment, heading to the Animal Clinic.
"Sapphire.....how—" Talia started to say but was cut off by her. "Alive? Well after I found out that you killed my brother and took over our world as the new leader I knew I was going to be hunted down because I was related to him. So I used the cloning spell and used my clone body to pretend I was dead, then I escaped the castle, and headed towards the woods. To never be seen again." Talia saw the older witch walk over to a machine that was connected to some sort of wired pads that were in her hand. "I then found out you went back to the human world to see that True Alpha and I thought, this is the perfect opportunity to find you and make you pay for murdering the last person I had left in this world I cared for." She explained as she began to place the electrical pads on both of Talia's wrists, arms, and both sides ofher head. "And I think that killing you is too easy so I think you need to suffer first."
Talia clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes, trying to put on a brave face but deep down she was terrified.
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She then slammed her hand on the button of the machine that the wires were connected to, sending electric currents into Talia's body. Her screams echoed in the small, dark room, an evil smile showing up on Sapphire's face.
Scott, the twins, Fiona, and Julia stood in the center of the animal clinic, looking through the shelves that contained almost every supernatural material known. All their heads turned when Kira Yukimura walked through the doors. Scott called her because one of the ingredients needed to make the locator spell is a single drop of blood from a kitsune.
Fiona placed all the ingredients on the operating table and Julia pricked Kira's finger, drawing some blood. The two witches mixed the ingredients, creating a light blue colored potion. "Now we just need to pour it on something that belonged to Talia."
"But you said that everything that belonged to her was destroyed." Ethan reminded but Julia shook her head. "At the apartment I needed something that had personal value to her for the spell. For the potion it is different. We just need something that belonged to Talia, a coat, shirt, blanket, hell even a tissue she used is good enough."
Scott started to groan in pain, his hand was clenching his chest. Everyone's eyes went to the true alpha who was in extreme pain. "Scott? What's wrong." Kira asked, worried.
The true alpha had his eyes closed shut, due to the pain. "I don't know...I have this sharp pain in my chest and I can't describe it. It feels like I'm being electrocuted constantly."
The two witches stared at each other then Julia wondered. "Did anyone take your heart? Someone who wants to harm you?"
Scott shook his head. "No, no one took it. Talia put a protection spell on my heart before she did the Dark Ritual, before her evil side was created."
A large smile formed on Fiona's face. She grabbed the small bottle of potion and held it up. "You're the key..." she told him.
He looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" Fiona walked over to him, placing the bottle in his hand. "You marked her, you guys are mates. The male werewolf will able to feel the pain of the person they marked. You and Talia have a special bond, no matter the obstacle you two go through, at the end you guys will always endure it and be there for each other." She then pointed at the potion....
"When you drink this, the bond you created with Talia, the love you have for her will lead us the way..."