"I just want to be happy."
A month has pasted since the sacrifices that took place in Beacon Hills and everything seemed to have calmed down.
Talia Baccari and Scott McCall both have different priorities. Her being the newest and youngest supreme...
After seeing Scott talk to Kira, Talia decided she needed time to herself and begged Stiles not to tell Scott she was there. Before he could ask why she vanished, leaving him confused.
Now Scott, Stiles, and Lydia are at Derek's loft expecting the twins to arrive.The group made a plan on how they are going to turn Malia back into a human. They got three Xylazine which basically is a horse tranquilizer. They are going to use it to knock out Malia and use Scott's new alpha abilities to turn her back.
Talia on the other hand is walking through the forest, trying to find the coyote that took her artifact. She let out a groan when she finally realized that she had no luck. Suddenly she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and when she pulled it out she saw that she got a text from Stiles saying that the group is at Derek's apartment and to meet them there.
She reread the text, the part where he says that 'the group' is at Derek's which means that Scott is there. Flashbacks of what happened to school, where Talia saw Scott speaking to that girl, Kira Yukimura and sadness filled her. Thoughts of Scott leaving her for that girl caused anger to build up inside.
But another thought popped up in her mind. Yes her and Scott kissed, and slept in the same bed but they never put a title on what they have. She threw her hand up, her purple smoke surrounding her, teleporting her to the front of Derek's loft.
Scott and the others waited inside the apartment, when suddenly Scott was tackledby the twins, receiving punches from left and right. "Give in!" Aiden shouted as his brother yelled, "Become the monster! The beast!"
Ethan punches Scott hard enough to where he slams against one of the pillars. Aiden steps in front of the beaten true alpha. "Becoming the monster doesn't make you the bad guy as long as you can control it."
"What happens if I can't control it?" Scott asked as blood came out of his mouth. Ethan stepped next to his brother. "The beast then takes over. You become like Malia and get further and further from being human. You turn into an animal or worse...." "You turn into Peter." Aiden finished his brother'ssentence.
Those exact words makes Scott think about the night when Peter "died" and what his beast looked like.
Scott rushes Aiden but the former alpha managed to him flip onto the table and began to pound his face repeatedly. "Aiden stop!" Ethan begged his brother.
Suddenly Scott felt Aiden's body pulled off him and then a loud bang. When he raised his head up he saw Aiden on the floor with a wall dented near him.
"When you guys told me that you had unfinished business I didn't know this is what you meant." All of their heads followed the sound of the voice and heels hitting the floor. Their eyes focusing on Talia Baccari who walked calmly into the loft.
Scott stared at her and then the twins, realizing something. "They were the ones you were suppose to stay with?" He asked. She nodded her head. "Yes I was. We left the Witch world together and the second we stepped into this world they ran off, leaving me alone in the woods. That's how I came upon the school, to you guys."
Aiden and Ethan left, saying how they have done all they can do to teach Scott about control. The group then explained the plan to Talia, counting herself in.
While everyone was getting ready to leave Talia had Scott sitting on the couch, treating his injuries. She stared at his bleeding head and sighed.
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"I'm fine. I will heal." He tried to reassure her but she just rolled her eyes. "You're are so stupid, trying to fight them." She scolded him as her hand glowed green. She then waved it over the gash that was located on his head, it closing up immediately.
Scott noticed that she was sad based on her heartbeat. He grabbed her hand, gaining her attention. "What's wrong?" Talia stared at his hand then pulled hers away. "Nothing is wrong."
He could tell she was lying, not even having to listen to her heart. His hand then went up, cupping her cheek in his hand. "Talia...please tell me."
She looked into his eyes, trying to hide her emotions. "I told you. Nothing is wrong." She repeated, walking away, leaving Scott alone.
Stiles' Jeep, Scott's dirt bike, and Allison's car arrived at the Beacon Hill's Preserve. Suddenly they heard a gunshot in the distance. Scott got back onto his bike, Talia too, and they both took off towards the gunfire, along with Allison and Isaac who decided to go on foot.
When they left Stiles started to put pieces together, why Malia wanted to get that doll back. It was her sister's and the crashed car was like a memorial for her. She just wanted to return the doll.Stiles pulled out his phone, texting Talia and Allison that Malia is heading towards the crashed car.
Talia has her arms wrapped around Scott's chest as he drove down the dirt path. Her phone thenvibrates. She checks it to see she got the text that Stiles just sent out. "Malia is heading towards the crashed car!" She shouted at Scott who just nodded his head.
Meanwhile Isaac and Allison is chasing Malia on foot because he got a good scent on her and didn't want the risk of losing her. Suddenly he stepped onto one of Mr. Tate's bear traps, him letting out a piercing scream.
The scream from Isaac was strong enough and loud enough for Scott's ears that it caused him to lose control of his bike, knocking him and Talia off it. They both took their helmets off, Scott noticing Talia's head bleeding.
He ran up to her and tried to help her up but she pushed him away. "Go! They need you!" He stared at her in worry but she gave him a small reassuring smile. "I'll be fine."
He then nodded his head, running off towards where the scream came from. While running Scott slowly began to transform, his alpha eyes showing along with his fangs and claws. Scott managed to catch up to the coyote, hopping over the ravine that held the wrecked car and landed in front of the creature. He spots purple smoke appearing behind coyote,Talia popping up.
The coyote was about to run off but then Talia shoots her hand up, a purple stream shooting towards the sky, creating a small shield around the area they were at. The animal growled at Scott but he then released his alpha roar, the roar was strong enough that Isaac's eyes glowed yellow, giving him strength to rip the bear trap off his foot, causing him to scream in pain.
The odd part was the roar caused Talia's eyes to glow purple, a green aura surrounding her hands, a stream of it going to Isaac's foot, healing it instantly while another stream entered Scott's body, healing him from the crashed that him and Talia both suffered.
Everyone watched as the coyote slowly kneeled down, the fur shedding off from it's skin, the body slowly expanding. A girl was then transformed....a nude girl.
Talia noticed a orange glint on the ground. She picked it up and noticed it was the artifact. She held it in her hands as a smile was formed on her lips.
"We did it...."
( How would you guys feel if I did third person for the rest of the story or would you like me to still did point of views? )