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02 ~ the reunion

Talia Baccari

I was sitting down on my bed in my room with a map of the human world, specifically Beacon Hills which is where the artifact is located. Thoughts of what happened last month triggered inside my mind. I was having doubts on whether to go on this mission or not.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door, "Come in!" I shouted. I was then greeted by my only friend at the academy, Adrian Black. "Ahh, you haven't left yet."

I shook my head. "No. I don't know if I want to go..." I said. "Because of Scott..." My head shot up at his words. "How do you"

"Your mother talked about your guy's previous life in the normal world." He explained. I let out a laugh. "Oh please, that world is everything but normal." He sat down next to me, "Why don't you want to go?"

"You remember I told you the story about the Dark Ritual and my evil side?" I asked and he nodded, "I hurt so many people, I killed so many people. I'm just scared facing the people I once cared about again."

"You're scared of facing Scott." He said, emphasizing his name. My eyes became watery, "I hurt him so bad. I kidnapped his mom and almost killed her as a sacrificed. I'm afraid that when I see him he'll think of me as nothing but a monster."

"Your mother told me that you guys were together. She also told me that while you weren't yourself he did everything he could to bring you back. He cares about you Talia, even if he doesn't show it, deep down he still does." He said to me. "So I think that you need to go, not just because of the artifact, so that you can have closure with your friends."

I nodded my head. "I think I need to too." We both stood up from my bed and pulled each other into a hug. "Be safe..." He told me.

"I will." I smiled. He exited my room as I grabbed the map and my bag then teleported myself to the forest of Beacon Hills.

"I guess learning that Different Worlds spell really paid off." I told myself.


I followed the map that the supremes gave me, trying to find the mysterious artifact. While walking for a good hour or so the map led me to some kind of cave.

I created a fireball in my hand, making a light source as I entered the dark cave. "How am I going to find this artifact if I don't even know what it looks like." I whispered to myself.

Suddenly in the corner of my eye I saw something glint on the wall. When I approached it, it looked like some kind of stone. The second my fingers touched it whispers echoed throughout the cave. "This must be the artifact."

I yanked the stone out of the wall and examined it. My body froze as I heard a vicious growl behind me. When I turned around I saw an angry look coyote snapping at me.

I immediately created a fire ball in my hand but was instantly tackled onto the ground. I suddenly felt the stone come out of my hand and when I got back up to my feet I saw the stone in the coyote's mouth. "Give it here boy!"

Right when I tried to reach for it the coyote took off. I tried to chase it but once I got out of the cave the coyote was no where to be seen.

I tried to search the forest but had no luck. I suddenly came upon a school, specifically Beacon Hills High school. I pulled the cape I had close to my body and pulled the hood over my head.

I walked through the school grounds, getting odd looks from students but ignoring them anyway. I ended up at the outside lunch area and my heartbeat increased when I spotted a specific someone that I was scared to see again.

"Scott McCall...."


"And that's why I'm here." I explained to them. "So you need me to track down a coyote for you?" Scott asked. I nodded then immediately shook my head, "I'm not forcing you or anything, I'm just asking for your help.  So can you?"

"Does he really have a choice or are you just going to use some spell on him." Stiles snapped, his arms crossed over his chest.  "Stiles..." Scott warned. "What Scott?! I'm just asking her?" He replied.

They both stared at me, waiting for an answer.  "I'm not going to use any spell on you.  I'm asking nicely if you could help me."

Scott then looked at Stiles who had a untrustworthy look on his face then focused back on. "I can help you after school. Can you wait till then?" I smiled and nodded my head, "Yeah I can. Thank you." Right when I was about to walk away I saw Scott take something out of Stiles' pocket then ran towards me.  I looked at him confused, he then placed a pair of keys into my hands. "School will be over soon, just stay in Stiles Jeep until then." He told me and I nodded.

The school bell rang and Scott gave me a small smile before heading back into school with Stiles.


I sat in Stiles' blue Jeep for a good two hours until I heard the school bell rang.  I saw students running out of building heading into their cars then I saw Scott come out of the building, a smile appearing on my face.

He hopped on his bike and drove without saying anything.  Stiles then got into the driver's seat, starting up the car.  "Where's Scott going?"

"We have to head to Deaton's.  We need to ask him a couple questions.  Scott said he'll help you after we're done talking to him." He told me.

The whole car ride was filled with an awkward silence and I decided to break it.  "Stiles I'm sorry..." I turned to him and he didn't reply so I decided to go on. "Once I found out that most of my family was slaughtered by Deucalion and the other Alphas I wanted revenge and I would do anything to get it.   I know what I did was wrong and it was too late for me to stop myself.  I'm so sorry that I took your dad and almost killed him." A couple tears streamed down my cheeks.  "I know you probably can't forgive me right now but I just want you to know how sorry I am."

We pulled up at Deaton's clinic and he turned to face me.  I expected him to shout at me but what really surprised me is when he pulled me into a hug.  I rested my head on his shoulder as I hugged him back.  His hands rubbed my back as he whispered, "I forgive you..."

I gave him a sweet smile. "Thank you." He nodded his head, "No problem, now come on. Scott is waiting for us inside."

We both walked inside the clinic to see Scott talking to Deaton. "Good you guys are here, I need to talk to you too."

"Scott has told me the symptoms you, him, and Allison have been having lately but it has been more severe to you." He added. Stiles nodded his head. "I had this problem in my Economics class in which I thought I was asleep but actually wasn't. The students and Coach Finstock were doing sign language in my dream."

"Well it seems that your subconscious is trying to communicate with you. Can you try show me what the message they were doing in sign language." Deaton asked. Stiles mumbled a 'okay' before copying the message. "The messages says 'when is a door not a door?'" He explained, waiting for us to answer.

We just shrugged. "When it's ajar." He answered himself. "Scott, when you, Stiles, and Allison died you guys opened a door in your mind and apparently left it open or ajar. It is very dangerous so you guys need to close it as soon as possible."

Suddenly Sheriff Stilinski barged into the clinic, his eyes immediately focusing on me. "Sheriff..." I nodded my head in forgiveness and respect. He smiled and nodded back. He then focused towards Scott.

"I need your help with something..."

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