Chapter 28: Numb

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Eddie and I step out of the studio to head for the parking lot where his car is.

I'm sorta nervous because Anthony is drunk at this very moment and I don't know if he's in good hands.

Surely he's gotten drunk before in bars but I'm worried.

Maybe I just worry too much about him. He's a grown man.

We get to his car which is a Black Cadillac.

"Rose," he snaps his fingers in front of me, noticing my weary look.

I return to reality . "Huh?"

"You kind of dozed off there. I said if you're okay."

I plaster a fake smile , "Yeah, I'm totally fine. Just hungry."

He laughs goofily.

Ed opens the door for me to go in the passenger's seat.

I sit down waiting patiently for him to go inside as well.

We begin driving to the nearest Panera Bread.

I look down at his radio system. There's all sorts of technological stuff going on here.

I press on a button which says "Stations"

Pop music starts playing .

I scrunch up my face with disgust.

Eddie starts laughing, "You really hate pop, huh?"

"Yes I do. It's meaningless trash," I cross my arms.

He changes the station to one that sounds seemingly familiar.

"This is Alt 92.3 radio, New York's alternative," the radio makes out.

(If you love alternative pop/rock music, this is the station to listen to, if you live in New York.)

My eyes widen. "I used to listen to this all the time back when I used to live in New York."

"Hmm. I didn't know this car could tune into radio stations from other states," he says .

I shrugged, "Are we there yet?"


Californication started playing on the radio.

I sigh. I miss Tony a lot, it's the first time we've ever been separated.

Sometimes, you gotta have space I guess.

The engine stops. I look up to find we've parked in front of the restaurant.

He stares at me with a sweet grin , "Come on, girl."

I return it. I unlock the door and step out.

We enter Panera Bread and order our food.

Ten minutes, we begin eating.

He chomps his food goofily. What a doof.

I giggle, "How's that sandwich"

"Pretty good, how bout yours?," he answers with a mouthful.

"Good . I was actually wondering if you'd like to discuss the song."

He puts his sandwich down.

"Okay. What would you like to talk about?"

I chew the inside of my cheek, unsure.

"Um, the melody."

He cocks his head confused, "Can you elaborate?"

I cross my arms, "Well, for my guitar parts, what should I do?"

"You can..."

He stops mid thought.

"Uh, Eddie?"

His jaw drops as he points towards the door.

I turn around to see what's the fuss about.

Anthony, who's a mess.

His brown shoulder length hair is messy, he has bags under his eyes, and a bottle of beer in a brown paper bag in one hand.

He begins walking towards us yelling

"Well what do we have here?"

I get up towards him, "it's really not what you think, babe."

His eyebrows raise, "Oh, really?"

Tony takes my hand forcefully.

"We're going home."

Eddie gets up and walks toward us.

"Hey man. We aren't fooling around behind your back. I just treated her to lunch, nothing else."

Tony laughs sarcastically, then punches Ed in the jaw, sending him flying against the wall.

"Anthony?! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scream hysterically.

He just stands there, stunned.

I run to Eddie, his jaw slightly bruised.

"I'm okay, just make amends with him," he responds while holding his face.

I nod .

I tap Anthony's back.

He turns around, "I'm so sorry, I was being jealous. I'm drunk babe."

I caress his cheek, "I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to. I'm calling Flea to pick you up."

I dial Flea's number.

I hear ringing then, "Hello?"

"It's Rose."

"Hey, what's up?"

"I have a problem. I'm at a restaurant with Anthony who's really drunk, when he should've been with you guys at the bar. I was eating lunch with Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam and apparently he followed us. Then he went into a jealous rage and punched Eddie in the face."

He answers awkwardly, "Oh. Well, I guess it's sorta my fault. I was supposed to take him, but Clara was calling me."

I sigh . "It's okay, but next time get one of the other guys to drive him home."

"I got you. I'm coming to get him."


I hang up.

Eddie has recovered somewhat , so now he's sitting where he was before.

"Tony, Flea's coming to pick you up. I can't believe you did that. When I come home we're gonna have a talk."

He nods, sulking in embarrassment.

I walk back to check on Eddie.

"How's your jaw , Vedder?"

He shrugs, "Could be better. Your man has a hell of a punch though," he chuckles.

"Yeah, were gonna stop by my house for an ice pack. It's no use in going to the hospital."

He nods then stands up, "Shall we ?"

"Yeah, let me just say goodbye."

"Anthony, you should stay with Flea until you're sober."

He stares coldly at me, "Fine."

I kiss his cheek, "Don't do anything stupid."

His lips part into a partial grin.

Well, I've had a hell of a day.

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