Part 1

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hello! if you're reading this, thank you!!! but you must know that i got these off the internet. that means, unfortunately, they're not mine. gosh i wish they were mine. but they're not :( oh well. at least it provides a good source of split sides. well for me at least. anyways, comment and tell me your favorite number.

ps - go read @YoureMyCatonite 's story, You Just Can't Do These Things Harry. it's a larry stylinson fanfic based on the storyline of finding nemo, which by the way, is a fantastic movie. you haven't lived until you've seen finding nemo. anyways, go read it; it's a brilliant idea and a very well-written story.

another thing. (i know, i know. you're asking, "will this note ever end?") go fan @sunshine50 ; she's my best friend, and @garnetrose ; she's an amazing (and very crazy, like me) person i met on wattpad.

ok i'm done. read. xx SABD

1. Slowly dying when the teacher picks the slow reader.

2. It's impossible to say "I wasn't talking to you" politely.

3. That walk of shame when you fail at throwing a ball of paper into the bin.

4. That awkward moment when you see twins fighting, and one calls the other ugly.

5. If you tickle my feet, I'm not responsible for what happens to your face.

6. Life is so much more interesting inside my head.

7. I do something awesome, nobody sees it. I do something embarrassing, everybody sees it.

8. Dropping an ice cube, then kicking it under the refrigerator; we've all done it.

9. Trying to plug in your phone charger in the dark is one of life's hardest tasks.

10. If my ceiling fan could hold my weight, i'd never be bored again.

11. *wakes up* ... 2 hours later, *gets out of bed*

12. I'm tired during the day, and once I get in bed, I can't sleep.

13. Seeing the first question on a test and thinking, "Yup, I'm screwed."

14. That urge to smile when someone is yelling at you.

15. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.

16. Ignoring people when you're texting.

17. The awkward moment when you're waiting for a text, but then you realize you're the one who didn't reply.

18. I'm not rude; I just say it how it is.

19. I'm not ignoring you; I'm just waiting for you to make an effort to talk to me first.

20. Typing a huge paragraph with your true feelings, then erasing it and typing "yeah..."

21. Every time I lose my phone... it's either on silent or vibrate.

22. That awkward moment when you're hysterically laughing at something and no one else thinks it's funny.

23. That awkward moment when someone's zipper is down, and you can't tell them because you can't explain why you were looking.

24. Walmart: 39 registers, 3 cashiers

25. People will believe anything if you whisper it.

26. That awkward moment when you're yelling at someone and you mess up a word.

27. When I clear my calculator, I press the button at least ten times just to be sure.

28. Saying, "Oh yeah, I remember!" when you really don't.

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